Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Esoteric Article Hub: Publish Your Psychic Junkie Guest Post Here

The Article Hub For Psychic Junkies

If you are a passionate psychic, medium, tarot reader, astrologer, angel whisperer, or other, writing a guest post for my psychic article hub is a great way to share the love and increase awareness of your services.

We all enjoy learning to know how to do things better, and we certainly love to read interesting mystical stories. So now you can show and tell your experiences, or tips and techniques, about what you have found to work well for you in the spiritual and psychic realms.

Your psychic articles are welcomed here. Help enlighten other psychic junkies with your own extra sensory wisdom while increasing awareness of your esoteric interests/services.

Here are 5 useful tips for writing your guest post for the Psychic Article Hub

1) Open Easy. Keep your opening paragraph short, punchy, and easy to absorb in a skim.

2) Maintain short paragraphs throughout. Remember the analogy "how do you eat an elephant? - One bite at a time!" Shorter paragraphs will help your reader consume your whole article.

3) 800+ words will make for good psychic guest posts in Google's Eyes, and we DO want them to be seen!

4) Have something to say. In writing, as in public speaking, if you do NOT have something to say, it will not matter how much writing/speaking finesse you possess. If you DO have something to say, it really will not matter how little finesse you have. 

5) We all love stories. Stories are great openers, they are great to make a point, and a good story will always bring your psychic guest posts to life. 

The Esoteric Article Hub For Your Psychic Junkie Guest Posts

Featured Guest Posts in The Psychic Junkie Article Hub

The pages below include content from multiple authors. I have verified and approved these submissions. – Ian Parkin

The Hub For Psychic Articles

Post Your Article Here

Once approved, I will publish your guest post in the most appropriate Psychic Junkie Article Hub on this site.

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  •  submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

  • My submission form is setup to block spam and therefore prevents you entering html code. But I'm happy to add a link if you have further related information on another website. So just add your URL and I will enable it after approving the content.
  • IMPORTANT -  Write something original for publication on Psychic-Junkie.com article hubs - Please do NOT just copy and paste content from other websites. Duplicate content will be rejected!
  • Remember to add your Author Bio
  • If you would like to boost exposure with an advertorial subscription please read about Advertising Psychic Services

Submission Guidelines and Agreement for Psychic-Junkie.com

Your submission to this site must be original and created by you (not copied), in good taste, legal, accurate and true, non-defamatory, non-threatening, non-confidential, non-infringing of copyrights owned by others and relevant for this site.

Please do not enter HTML (it will be converted to text) or ALL CAPS (they will be converted to lower case).

Unless the submission is a paid advertorial, your submission should be non-commercial/non-promotional in nature and should not contain commercial web addresses, e-mail addresses or phone numbers.

Psychic-Junkie.com reserves the right to reject your submission, or to edit/delete any parts of it that violate this Agreement, including the right to ban violators from submitting again. Psychic-Junkie.com may also edit to improve clarity (e.g., typos), and for search engine optimisation (SEO).

I certify that I have the right to submit the text and photo(s) that I am submitting. My submission signifies agreement to the above and that I agree to grant to Psychic-Junkie.com an exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual license to publicly display my submission on Psychic-Junkie.com. Submission of photo(s) or other image(s) is on a non-exclusive basis. I grant Psychic-Junkie.com the right to pursue anyone who copies my submission.

More psychic article hubs on this site

Separate article hubs are available for guest posts by advisers using these psychic portals.

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