Best Psychic Reading Ever? How To Find The Advice You Need

How do you get the best psychic reading ever?

  • For the best ever psychic readings, be prepared with a list of questions to ask before you begin. This additional foresight can help hone the reader's focus on many things about you, your life and the situations around you; past, present and future.

Remember the psychics that do readings for the public are as human as you are, they have lives and bodies that require attention. Indeed, psychics have talents beyond this sense-felt world that we normally perceive, but they are not beyond human fault. They do make mistakes. Energy/information can be misread or skewed in interpretation, due to a psychic’s interpretation or also to the fluctuation within experience itself, especially factors like human free will and divine timing. Most psychic readers are devoted to their work however, and do a lot of development work in order to deliver the best psychic reading ever.

Finding The Best Avenue For Psychic Advice And Guidance

Good psychic readers will answer your questions directly and as concisely as they can, but in defense of all psychics there are many “probable” futures in any one person’s life - not just one. Certainly there are things that are destined in your lifetime, but the path to getting there can be altered by many things, mostly by YOU. The mind brings experiences to us. Thought does create reality. However there are many influences behind your thought such as emotion, attachment, obsession, psychic ties and release thereof, and most importantly your personal relationship with the Higher Power. In other words: God-connectedness - faith, belief, knowing and co-Creation.

Be prepared for the best psychic reading ever.

The best frame of mind to be in when you are having a reading is a meditative, receptive, open state. Having a sincere, non-judgmental composure will help you assimilate and discern the information given to you. Never take anything told to you verbatim unless it feels right. Throw out anything that does not seem as if it is meant for you. Indeed, there are Psychic Reading Scams in this business (just as there are in most professions) but there are also many very excellent psychics.

You decide which information to take further and ponder. The psychics should simply be giving you the information that they receives clairvoyantly (higher vision), clairsentiently (information felt though the body), clairaudiently (voices, audible information), through divination tools (tarot, runes, tea leaves, palm) or via any psychically intuitive means.

Sometime readers will “read” off of your fears and doubt. You are the ultimate co-creator in your life. We all choose whether to live through fear or joy, anger or bliss, sadness or happiness. The decision of how to perceive your life is internal and up to you. If you experiencing extreme fear or guilt it might be best to wait for the severity of that emotion to subside before you ask for psychic advice.

Good psychics can usually move beyond the emotionality and get to the clearest information anyway, but why take the chance? Why not get the most for your dollars and wait for that clear space so you can have your best psychic reading ever.

Psychic readers will give you information based on:

  1. fact (what actually happened, is happening or could happen),
  2. your state of mind/heart/being, and
  3. probably some speculation or guess work.

We all have the ability to alter our experiences (information foretold) by the power of free will. You can change your reality some by using your free will. You can also align your life with your God-given soul purpose by the use of free will. Other people in your life can alter details of your experience too through the power of their own free will option. You however, are the only one that can live your life to its fullest. You may choose to enhance your life by having a little extra “seeing power” offered to you by professional psychic readers from time to time. If this is what you want, a bit of additional foresight, then a reading with a psychic may be just what you need.

Guest post by Jules Kennedy

Jules Kennedy

Jules Kennedy, world renown psychic adviser is in private practice. Let Jules help you decide your destiny today with an in-depth soul reading. Relationship issues, twin soul, soul mates, sexuality, help with career and business decisions, ascension and clarity of mind, peace of heart can all be addressed in a soul reading.

Jules has been teaching, counseling, and writing in the areas of metaphysics, spirituality, the occult and Ascension since 1984. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University or Minnesota and partial advanced degrees in Human Development, Counseling, Religious and Woman Studies. She has pursued a diverse career path in social work, volunteer administration, counseling, psychic advising and teaching. She has been channeling information from many sources since childhood but officially since 1987

Psychic Analysis Consulting Services with Jules Kennedy -

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Psychic Consultations - Best Online Or Face-To-Face? by Brian L. Sharp (USA)

Best Psychic Consultations

Are real psychic consultations best done in person or online? As a psychic medium I hear this question often. It’s not really that one way is better than another, but how Spirit chooses to work through me in such ways that are understandable and healing to the clients.

So you really can allow for synchronicity when deciding how, why, when, and with whom to have your psychic mediumship readings.

I want to provide the best, most ethical psychic consultations to my clients, so I like to let clients know at the beginning of each reading what I do and, briefly, how I do it. It would actually be more accurate to say that it is not something I am doing but rather something, which Spirit is doing. I often compare what we psychics do to that of an interpreter: we "listen" to what Spirit's messages are, and we attempt to translate them into a message, which hopefully the client can understand.

This usually takes a great deal of concentration, and so I usually do not want any information beforehand about a client's particular situation or deceased loved one (this can be distracting). I prefer instead to obtain the information from Spirit and then relay it. It's also important to me that there is a sufficient amount of light in the room and with as few distractions as possible (i.e., no children or pets loose, no clutter, etc.) - whether I am working in person at a client's home or online from my own office.

I have clients I see in person in San Antonio but I work online with clients in such cities as New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Las Vegas and also abroad.

How to have the best psychic reading ever - either way! 

Clients can also impact the quality of a psychic reading:

  • One should limit mediumship or psychic readings to once every 5-6 months
  • Extreme skepticism can negatively impact a reading, although healthy skepticism and an open mind is quite conducive to an accurate psychic reading
  • Background noise can be detrimental
  • Electrical anomalies in the environment can impact a reading
  • Certain metals can have an effect upon a reading
  • A client's physical energy level can be a factor in a reading's degree of accuracy

To get the best psychic consultations it's generally a good idea for clients to spend a time in contemplation prior to a reading about the issues or loved one, about which they wish to know. A medium cannot guarantee that a specific spirit will communicate (we cannot force someone to talk on the phone), but generally most spirit loved ones will choose to do so and are quite eager to make their voices heard.


Brian Sharp is a teaching medium and psychic based in San Antonio, TX, USA

RE: Getting The Best Psychic Reading Ever - by Cindy (Seattle WA)

  • I want to tell you all that I have been to many psychics. Even when I go on vacation I'm looking for a psychic. I've found they cleared up things for me whenever I need some help a guidance. Is it worth getting really focused beforehand? I say YES!

RE: Getting The Best Psychic Reading Ever - by Cristina (Sao Paulo - Brazil)

  • I have done quite a few sessions with psychics when I've prepped my questions. I've been gently guided and empowered to find my way and to rediscover my self worth. They can get to the core of the issue very quickly and empower and encourage you to take action when needed. Not just had good psychic readings, but also for healing. 

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Jules Kennedy is the verified author of this guest post.