Complete List Of Psychic Abilities And Methods Of Divination: A - N

Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Our A-Z complete list of psychic abilities is now updated for 2023 with all of the different types of ESP powers there are. This ultimate compilation of weird and wonderful types of divination, tools, and magic methods, includes what they do and how they work.

Over the years I have kept this guide revised with all your suggestions so that we always have the best information to reference. We now have our own wiki resource from which to learn about and choose to develop more if the signs point you that way. 

Everyone has psychic abilities at some level, but most people are simply not aware of them, do not believe in them, or have an unfounded fear in them. There are several ways to receive psychic information and to know about your own type and level of psychic awareness you can: 1) Get some advice from a professional psychic who can tune into your natural clair senses. 2) Browse the complete list of psychic powers and abilities to see what may truly resonate with your own experiences. 3) Post your question below to get some free feedback on the Psychic Junkie Website.

The 3 basic senses psychic readers use are: Clairvoyance = (clear vision) The extrasensory perception to receive visual impressions. Clairaudience = (clear hearing) The ability to receive auditory psychic impressions even though they may not be hearing through their physical ears. Claircognizance = (clear knowing) The ability to receive a telepathic knowingness.

Complete List Of Psychic Abilities From A To N

A part of our human condition is to both look within, in our attempts to know ourselves, and to look outwards in order to know our futures. From eons of studying nature and the world around us we have devised rituals and procedures with which to meet the unknown.

Building A Complete List of Psychic Abilities With All Known Methods Of Divination

Arts of divination or extra sensory perceptions are diverse, numerous, ancient and new. There’s a multitude of extrasensory talents that can be included in a complete list of psychic abilities. Many good psychics will possess multiple psychic modalities but not, by any means, all the different types of psychic abilities that are included in this list. 

Notable examples in this exhaustive compendium of extrasensory skills are Palmistry, or Palm Reading, but you may not have realized is that they are both just different terms for Cheirology or Chiromancy (Cheiro: Greek word for hand and Mancy: meaning divination).

Many psychic abilities have the suffix ‘mancy’. Mancy originates from Old French, Greek and Latin words meaning Divination / Prophesy / Prophet. For instance bibliomancy; means interpreting a passage chosen at random from a book and offering up a prophecy from so doing. Prophesies in this form were predominantly taken from the Bible in earlier times.

To add to my complete list of psychic abilities please contact me with your suggestion.

Categories for the different types of psychic powers are linked in the A to Z below.

List Of Psychic Abilities

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In a realm where thoughts intertwine, A psychic's touch, a gift divine. To sense the pain, to see the way, Guiding souls who've gone astray.

With heart and mind in harmony, They shed light on what eyes can't see. A beacon in the darkest night, Helping others find their light.

To be psychic, a calling so grand, Lending the world a guiding hand. Uplifting spirits, mending seams, Crafting hopes and weaving dreams.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [A]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under A

Aerokinesis: An ability to manipulate air molecules with your mind. (See also Telekinesis and/or Psychokinesis)

Aeromancy: Interpreting the shapes of clouds. There are signs in the air and sky much closer than the astrological zodiac. Next time you are on a flight get a window seat and look for messages as you fly above and through the clouds.

Afterlife Communication: Your loved ones who have crossed over can show you signs everyday that they are around you. All you have to do is look for them. And if you talk to your loved ones in the afterlife they will hear you. By talking to them you are telling them that you do indeed believe they are around you and this helps them to connect with you and give you signs that they are around you so much more.

ADC - After Death Communication: When a medium links to the spirit of a passed friend or relative in a psychic reading and receives a message for the sitter it is known as an ADC. Many people receive these after death communications in a dream. Dream ACDs are always vividly remembered no matter how long ago the dream.

Akashic Record ReadingsEvery thought, word and deed is recorded in the Book of Life known as the Akashic Repository. All things in the past, the present, and the future is contained in these Celestial Records. Click here for a free Akashic Records: Manifesting Demystified Webinar

Alectryomancy: A form of divination using the sounds of bird calls or the pecking of seeds in relation to touching or manipulating letters of the alphabet.

Aleuromancy: Answers and messages baked in a dough then chosen at random with a question in mind. Fortune Cookies. Can also be the interpretation of shapes in flour spread or dropped on a tray or on the bakers floor. Another form similar to tea cup reading was from ‘reading’ the signs left in the mixing bowl. (Aleuron meaning Flour + Mancy meaning divination)

Alomancy: Casting salt into the air to read the patterns as it falls to the floor. Can also be salt cast into a fire.

Alpha Mind State: The full list of psychic gifts emanate from this realm. (Try these alpha state of mind techniques)

Alphitomancy: A specially prepared loaf of Barley bread was given to a person suspected of a crime. The innocent would digest it easily the guilty would have indigestion.

Angel ReadingsIn an angel reading the psychic communicates with angelic realms for such things as connecting you with your guardian angel.

Animal Communication: We can often see a pet cat or dog staring at something invisible. Your animal companion perceives the presence of spirit energies. Many psychics will use their psychic connection with animals to communicate on animal welfare.

Anomalous Cognition: Term used by parapsychologists to reference awareness of information without having to specify or theorize the particular supernatural powers by which that information was transferred.

Apantomancy: Taking meaning from chance encounters with animals. Saying you will be lucky when a black cat crosses your path. Aztec mystics took the flight of an eagle carrying a snake to be a good omen and Mexico City was born.

Apparition: A ghostly appearance.

Apports: inanimate objects can materialize out of thin air through a physical medium. Often ghosts will make coins, flowers, keys or stones appear. (Thank You Autumn)

Arithmancy or Arithmomancy are early forms of Numerology where predictions are made through numbers and the number value of letters. Arithmancy has found renewed popularity with its inclusion in the Harry Potter stories.

Astragalomancy or Astragyromancy: (Similar to Cleromancy) Making of decisions based on the throwing of dice.

Astral Projection: The out-of-body experiences achieved via lucid dreaming, deep meditation.

Astrology: Using the positions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac at your time of birth to prophesize future events and character traits. An astrologer must have your exact date of birth to be accurate, (see Horoscope Junkie).

Atmokinesis is the psychic ability to alter weather phenomena, albeit on a minor scale through mental force. (Thanks Alex Cerra for adding this one)

Augury: Ancient Roman prophecy from watching the movement of birds and other animals during thunder and lightning.

Aura Reading: This is the ability for a psychic to see in and around a subjects Aura. We all have an electromagnetic energy field around us. Some see this energy field in different colors, some psychics have the particular ability to feel each color's energy vibrations. (Learn to see auras)

Austromancy: Deriving meaning from watching the winds especially during thunder and lightning.. “The winds of change”.

Automatic Writing: is sometimes done in a trance or psychic state but sometimes with the writer’s awareness but the message is not from the writer’s mind. (Thanks for adding this Brandi - ZZ)

Axiomancy: Throw an axe into a tree or post and observe where the hatchet points.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [B]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under B

Belomancy, also known as Bolomancy: is an ancient form of divination using arrows. For example, three arrows would be marked with the phrases, God orders it me, God forbids it me, and the third would be blank. Choosing an advantageous direction was gleaned by tossing an arrow into the air, and letting its angle show the way to proceed. In the Book of Ezekiel 21:21 "For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination; he shakes the arrows."

Bibliomancy: means interpreting a passage chosen at random from a book and offering up a prophecy from so doing. Prophesies in this form were predominantly taken from the Bible in earlier times. Sortes is also taking random passages from the bible and making prophetic interpretations.

Bilocation: is the ability to be present in two physical locations simultaneously. This advanced psychic phenomenon demonstrates the profound interconnectedness of consciousness and the fluid nature of physical reality. With the capacity for bilocation, you are able to project your subtle energy body to a distant location, while your physical form remains in the original place. This allows for expanded awareness, remote viewing, and the ability to interact with people and environments in multiple realms at once.

Botanomancy: is divination from scattering of leaves and vegetation in a high wind to seek direction. Leaves and or carved branches were sometimes burned and the smoke used in a similar fashion

Brontoscopy: Forecasting based on listening to the sound of thunder.

Bumpology: is a study of bumps on the head. Much the same as Phrenology.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [C]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under C

Candle Reading: see Ceromancy and Ceroscopy below.

Capnomancy: interpreting the flow and shapes in the smoke of a fire to from a prophecy.

Card Reading: see Cartomancy and Tarot.

Cartomancy: Similar to Tarot Card reading only Cartomancy is using a traditional deck of PLAYING cards not Tarot cards. Many decks of oracle cards are produced now days that are not Tarot decks but never the less are excellent tools for divination and inspiration. Dream Cards, Chakra Cards, Animal Cards, Astrology Cards, You name it there is most likely a deck of oracle cards about it.

Catoptromancy: Fortune telling with the aid of mirrors. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall - who is the fairest of them all?” A Captromancer’s mirror was known as a ‘Magic Glass’ Gazing (scrying) into a mirror is similar to crystal gazing.

Causimomancy: Making predictions based on observing items burn (or not burn) when placed in a fire.

Cephalomancy: Head Divination. Ancients would burn the head of a donkey, goat or ass on burning coals and made predictions from so doing.

Ceraunoscopy: Prophecy from the study of thunder and lightning. Similar to Augury the Ancient Roman prophecy from watching the movement of birds and other animals during thunder and lightning. And Brontoscopy is based on listening to the sound of thunder.

Ceromancy: also known as Ceroscopy is Candle Reading. Either melting wax dropped into water and the shapes of hardened then interpreted into prophecy. Or simply meditating and gazing at a burning candle flame. The shapes formed in wax from a candle’s run off can also be read for divinatory meaning.

Chakra Reading:  A chakra reading psychic will tune into your energy centers to see which are healthy or blocked. 

Channeling is when a separate intelligence enters the mind and or body of the psychic and then uses that body/mind to communicate messages directly to the audience. A psychic is not interpreting the information. In a channeling situation the message passes through as if the intelligence was using the body and mind of the psychic to hear you and to speak to you directly. 

Channel is also referred to when healing energy is channeled through a psychic or spiritual medium. Reiki became a very popular method of channeling universal healing energy in the 1980’s and continues to be well accepted now world wide.

Charlatans: Yes there are plenty of fakes out there. But the Skeptics have got to have something to get their teeth into.

Chiromancy, Cheirology and Chirognomy are all terms for Palm Reading or Palmistry which is divination from the lines on people's hands. Chirognomy is more specifically a focus on the general hand formations being size, shape and appearance of the hand.

Clairaudience: is the psychic ability to hear things that are inaudible. Meaning a psychic hears beyond the natural sense of hearing. He or she may ‘hear clearly’, and perceive sounds or words from spirits, guides, or angels or simply hear into your future in some mystical way. (Kindly added to this list of psychic abilities by Brandi who has a very strong psychic heritage.)

Clairvoyant: someone who has the power of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance comes from the French and Latin words Clair meaning CLEAR and Voyant and Voir meaning TO SEE = clear seeing. So a clairvoyant is said to be able to see clearly. Silly really because we can all see clearly, if we have our normal vision in order that is. What is really meant by the term clairvoyant is the ability for a psychic to see what normally can’t be seen, or to see the future or to see the spirits of people who have passed over. (By the way, in psychic circles passed-over / passed on, or just passed, is a less confronting way of saying someone is dead. It doesn't mean not not-chosen :- ). In ‘passed over to the other side’ ‘other side’ means spirit realm.) From the term Clairvoyant we have Clairvoyant Reader. A person able to see spirit or see future and conduct a reading. A reading means a psychic will tell you (read to you) what he or she is seeing clearly beyond the natural range of the visual sense.

Claircognizant: Clear recognition. Claircognizance is similar to Clairgnosis, as in having a sense of clear knowing. However, being claircognizant doesn't guarantee the person knows about or understands this clear knowingness! (Thanks Sarah of Gravesend UK for adding this one)

Clairempathy: is to be able to feel emotions from beyond natural realms.

Clairgnosis: is Clear Knowing. You may not see, smell, or feel intuitively but some of us "just know". Sometimes spelled as Clairknostic, Clairnostic, or Claircognizant

Clairsalience: is better known as a clairsentient ability. It is when someone can metaphysically smell a fragrance or an  odor of some - thing, place, or person. As an example, a psychic medium may notice the perfume of late auntie Edith during a séance.

Clairsentience: refers to a psychic’s ability to pick up sensations and relate messages from those sensations.

Clairscentient: See Clairsentience and Clairsalience.

Clairtangency is sometimes used to describe a psychic’s ability to touch beyond the physical.

Clairgustance refers to taste. Some psychics will be able to pick up certain tastes while conducting a reading.

Cleromancy: is a form of sortition, the casting or drawing of lots, in which your fortune is foretold by the random means of tossing I Ching coins or the rolling of dice. The ancients would cast stones, pebbles or bones for divinatory meanings.  Also see Astraglomancy and Astragyromancy for dice divination.

Clidomancy or Cleidomancy is divination using a dangling key when the sun or moon is in Virgo and the key tied to a bible. Also see Radiesthesia and Coscinomancy.

Coin toss/flip There is a divination technique that uses the flipping of coins that gives easy access to your intuition.

Combat Sense is a martial art of sensing what a combatant’s next move will be. (Thanks for adding this Brandi)

Coscinomancy: Using a hanging sieve or shears suspended from a thread, a list of names of suspects is read aloud. The person whose name is read when or if the sieve quivers or turns is the perpetrator. Also see Radiesthesia and Cleidomancy.

Crithomancy: Prophecy from is the study of barley cakes.

Cromniomancy: Divination by interpreting the sprouting behavior of onions.

Crystal Ball Reading, or Crystallomancy is the art of seeing future visions from within a crystal ball, or a quartz crystal cluster or point. Now, many will insist you need a quartz ball and not a glass sphere. But the power is not in the object of focus but in the psychic ability of the reader. 

Crystals: see Crystallomancy above.

Cyclomancy: Spinning a wheel, a top or a bottle. The prophetic answer lays in the direction the item points or spins towards. Have you kissed or been kissed in a "spin the bottle" party game?

Cryptesthesia: Paranormal Perception. The word combines Crypt (hidden vault) which originates from a Greek word Krupho meaning secret or hidden. And the word Esthesia which is a noun meaning sensitivity or a capacity for sensation or feeling. So Crypt + Ethesia = secret sensitivity.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [D]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under D

Dactylomancy: Divination with a pendulum using a ring as the bob on the end of chain or cord. Similar to Radiesthesia

Daphnomancy: When burning laurel branches in a fire if the branches crackled loudly this was a good omen and if there was an absence of crackling the omen was bad.

Déjà vu: Although psychology sees Déjà vu as the illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time. For the psychic Déjà vu is not necessary an illusion.

Demonomancy: The summoning of demons to answer questions.

Dendromancy: Druid divination with branches of oak or mistletoe set on fire. The prediction then made from seeing the direction and shapes of the ensuing smoke.

Dice Divination: fortune telling with dice is called Astragalomancy.

Direct Voice: A spirit draws out ectoplasm from a medium and creates and artificial voice box. The spirit concentrates its energies through this voice box and speaks in its own voice through the medium. (Thank You Autumn)

Divining Rods and Dowsing more recently known as Radiesthesia. Divination using a forked stick, rods and pendulums for the discovery of hidden water and other metals, minerals, objects or missing persons. 

Divine Intervention: Spontaneous spiritual visions that can guide and direct the seer.

Dreams: Dream Interpretations: have long been a form of prophecy. All dreams tell the dreamer something of their state of mind in the waking experience. See also Lucid Dreaming

Dream ESP: A practice I created for developing your psychic abilities using ESP cards. Before bed shuffle the deck picking one card and place it face down on your night table. Place hand on card saying "dream angels, please reveal to me in a dream tonight the symbol of this card".  

Dreamwork: A shaman's practice of using dreams for divination.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [E]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under E

Empath: A psychic empath (sometimes called a Sensitive) takes on other people's feelings of pain or pleasure, actually feeling the emotions of others. For a psychic empathy healer it is an ability that can help in relating the symptoms and cause of a client's ailment. However many empaths would rather not have this sensitivity as they can experience life as an emotional roller coaster when in the midst of emotionally high people. Shopping malls can be quite traumatic for these sensitives.

Empyromancy: Prophecy from viewing laurel leaves burning in a fire. Also Pyromancy.

Energetic Healing: A psychic ability to clear, repair and balance the body's energy systems by seeing and manipulating the aura. Reiki is a popular form of energy healing.

ESP - Extra Sensory Perceptions: Any perception beyond our regular senses. 

EVP (electronic voice phenomena)  is sound potentially caused by ghosts in order to communicate with us from the beyond.

Exorcism: The practice of evicting demons or other unwanted spiritual entities which may have possessed a person or object. Usually involves a psychic's ability to communicate with the possessing entity. 

Extispicy: Divination by the study of entrails from a sacrificed animal.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [F]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under F

Fairies/Faerie Whispering: Listening to and noticing mystical fairies/faeries’ is another form of psychic awareness.

Faith Healing: Healing by prayer, mental intent and/or the laying-on of hands, both within religious practitioner frameworks and in the secular community. Also Spiritual Healing and Reiki.

Feng Shui: Chinese art concerned with the relationships between human beings and the subtle energies of wind and water. See also Geomancy.

Flipism is a term originating in the 1953 Donald Duck Disney comic "Flip Decision" for the technique for divination using coins.

Fortune Telling:  a fortune teller predicts information about a person's life in the future. 

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [G]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under G

Gastromancy: The seer utters prophetic words in a lowed tone coming from deep breaths from the belly whilst in a trance state. Sometimes considered to be Ventriloquism. Gastromancy is often misquoted as a form of crystal gazing whereby glass goblets of clear water placed in front of lighted candles where gazed upon.

Geloscopy: You will laugh with Geloscopy! Prophecy from observations of a person by the way they laugh. ("The fool speaks the truth in jest")

Genethlialogy: Astrologically forecasting the destiny of a new born child.

Geomancy: Also Feng Shui. Geomancers will locate and shape spaces in harmony with both the physical and the spiritual environment using an awareness of the subtle earth energies or ley lines.

Ghost Encounters: The ghosts most commonly seen are the spirits of deceased people. Ghosts are most often encountered during sleep paralysis. But many young psychic Indigo Children may first know a ghost as an imaginary friend. 

Ghost Busting: ("Who you gonna call?") Removing unwanted ghosts or entities. Also see Exorcism. (Tell me a Real Ghost Story)

Ghost Whisperer: The insights into the afterlife of a ghost whisperer reveal multiple dimensions and planes that house various parts of the Spirit World.

Gyromancy: Divination performed by going around in a circle marked along its perimeter with letters of the alphabet. When the dizzy person stumbles onto the letters, words can then be interpreted as a message. Similar to the technique used in psychic circles and Ouija boards where the participants form a circle and place one finger on a glass surrounded by a circle of letters of the alphabet. The glass will touch letters in turn to indicate words and the words then form messages. 

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [H]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under H

Halolmancy: Casting salt into the air then reading the patterns as it falls to the floor. Can also be salt cast into a fire. Also known as Alomancy.

Haruspication, Hieromancy and Hieroscopy: An ancient art of investigating the entrails of sacrificial animals in order to see what the future holds.

Hippomancy: Observing the mating rituals of Hippopotamus. Just kidding!! It’s really divination by observing the appearance, neighing and foot stamping behaviour of horses.

Horoscopy: Producing and interpreting Astrological Horoscopes.

Hoodoo: often confused with Voodoo but it's not the same. Hoodoo is spiritual practice carried to the Americas by the trade in African Slaves. It's purpose is to allow people access to supernatural forces to improve their lives. 

Hydromancy: Water Divination. Various forms of prophecy by observing water including the color, ebb and flow, or ripples produced by pebbles dropped in a pool.

Hypnosis: Hypnotic Trance (Metagnomy) was the gateway through which Edgar Cayce (The most documented psychic to date) would conduct his psychic sessions. He was so called the “Sleeping Prophet”.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [I]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under I

I Ching: An ancient Chinese system of prophetic philosophy and has long been used as an oracle. The I Ching is based around a set of 64 abstract line arrangements called hexagrams. Each Hexagram is composed of six stacked horizontal lines with each line is either Yang which has an unbroken solid line, or Yin which has a broken line with a gap in the centre. 

Ichthyomancy: Prophetic observation of head and entrails of fish.

Intuition: A socially accepted term for the psychic awareness you may know as your gut feelings. The meaning of the two words In and Tuition are interesting. IN comes from Middle English and Latin origin meaning SEE. And TUITION from Middle English and Latin meaning PROTECTION. So intuition really means see protection or protective sight. Next time you act on such psychic ability as your gut instinct (one of your intuitive gifts) you have a good reason to say that you are acting upon your protective sight!

Insight: The inner strength of seeing intuitively.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [J]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under J

Journaling: Keeping a personal record of occurrences and observations from your dreams, psychic readings, self divinations and other extrasensory experiences will prove to be an invaluable asset in your search for higher truth.

To add to my complete list of psychic abilities please use the comments form with your suggestion.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [K]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under K

Kairomancy is a term invented by Robert Moss to describe the practice of navigating life by synchronicity (patterns of meaningful coincidence). A kairomancer is a person who is poised to catch the messages when synchronicity is in play and to take action to seize the opportunities those moments present. You can learn to be kairomancer in his book - Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life

Ki: Life Force Energy. - Ki (Japanese), Chi (Chinese), Prana (Indian). (The psychic healing form of Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei meaning God or Higher Power and Ki which is Life Force Energy.)

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [L]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under L

Lampadomancy: Divination from observations of movement from the flame of a single oil lamp or torch.

Lecanomancy: Divination where a stone is thrown into a basin of water. A reader will give prophesies from the sound the stone makes in the water and the images of the rippling water. Sometimes oil is used instead of a rock and the shapes of the oil floating on the water are focused on.

Lenormand: is a form of Cartomancy. It was developed in the 17th century Napoleonic era by a famous psychic named "Mlle Marie Anne Lenormand".

Levitation: Objects, people, and animals are lifted into the air without any visibly physical means and float or fly about.

Libanomancy: Reading the shapes formed in the rising smoke or the flares, pops and crackling sounds as incense burns upon coals.

Lipsology: (lip print reading) is a way to interpret and glean traits from the lipstick stain that happens when you kiss a white sheet of paper. It's based on your lip print's size, lines, fullness, and so on.

Lithomancy: Divination by interpreting the pattern of crystals, stones or stone talismans cast to the floor or upon a chart or map.

Lucid Dreaming: The ability to wake up inside a dream and experience an alternate reality. Can be similar to Astral Projection. 

Luck: ? Psychic Wins Lottery

Lucky Charm: An object, design, or symbol believed to be endowed with magical powers. Also called a talisman.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [M]

Complete list of psychic abilities and types of divination categorized under M

Margaritomancy: Rumor has it that two Mexicans drank too many Margaritas and started seeing things. (I just started that rumor). Margarita is Latin for Pearl. Margaritomancy was actually Pearl divination. Pearls were either cast into a pot over a fire or pearls were prophetically observed in oyster shells.

Meditation: The practice of relaxing and focusing the mind and invoking the guidance of the Higher Power.

Mediumship: A psychic medium connects with and acts as a communication conduit for the voices of spirits in the afterlife and/or guiding entities such as angels.

Metagnomy: Psychic ability whilst in a hypnotic trance. Edgar Cayce is perhaps the best example of this.

Metamobilia: OK, so I made this one up :-) But here are some tips and links for getting readings with psychics in mobile devices.  

Meteoromancy: Although it is said to be a prophecy from the study of meteors, it was actually a Roman form of divination from thunder and lightning.

Metoposcopy: Predicting personality, character, and destiny, by reading patterns and lines on a subject's forehead combined associations to astrology.

Metaphysics: Meaning beyond physics. Psychic and paranormal phenomena is beyond psychics (at present).

Mirror Gazing: Psychic perception from gazing or scrying in or through a reflective surface was known as Catoptromancy in times gone by. Nostradamus filled a dish with ink to form a mirror surface through which he would see his prophecies. We have all heard the wicked witch in Snow White, saying – “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” And Lewis Caroll found a Wonderland for Alice, through the Looking Glass

Moleosophy: Divination from bodily marks such as moles, birthmarks and skin blemishes.

Molybdomancy: Omens were sought by interpreting the noises and hisses of molten lead when dropped into a cauldron of water. Alternatively the shapes formed by the molten metal solidifying in the water were observed. Also the directions that spilled liquid metal would flow when poured onto a flat surface could be prophesized upon.

Morphing: Psychic Morphing is the ability to move from normal to paranormal dimensions and return at will. 

Myomancy: Ancient form of divination by observing the behavior of rats and mice.

Mystic: An initiate of the secret teachings of the ancients. One who believes in the existence of paranormal or metaphysical reality.

Complete List of Psychic Abilities for [N]

Complete list of psychic abilities and methods for divination categorized under N

Namology, Nameology: The science of naming children using Astrology and Numerology. The names are suggested by Astrology and checked for Numerological Compatibility. Also used for choosing auspicious business names and changing given names for favorable improvements.

Nature Spirits: There are four basic elements of nature: fire, air, earth, and water. Within each of the four elements are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of that element. They are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element. They are living entities oftentimes resembling humans in shape but inhabiting a world of their own. []

Near Death Experience: An NDE is an out-of-body experience remembered by someone clinically near to death or briefly clinically dead and revived. 

Necromancy: Communing with spirits of the dead. (Séance)

Numerology:  Numerological divination of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters of the alphabet. The name and birth date of an individual are used to prophesize future outcomes. (While Astrology can give you an overview it is Numerology that gives you the details)

Full A to Z Of The Complete List Of Psychic Abilities


To add to my complete list of psychic abilities please contact me with your suggestion.

WIKI: referenced list of psychic abilities