Ian Parkin is the author of this post.
Your wizardly guide on when and how to cast real spells at home. Whether using a simple affirmation or an intricately conjured ritual with symbolism, totems, incantation, spiritual beliefs, and concentrated attention, this is how the magic works – so circle around!
Best to know what you are doing BEFORE you dabble! Because what you put out - good or bad - comes back - multiplied!
The Good and the Bad of Casting Spells
Energy manipulation is the crux of spell casting. Good enchantments and invocations (and the witches and warlocks) work on the occult principle that by saying a thing is true, it is. After a spell is completed, “for the highest good of all concerned - so mote it be”, the intention will manifest on the physical plane.
Words and thoughts used in spell casting have specific vibrations, which influence the type of mental energy the practitioner will project. For instance, someone who uses harmful (bad) vibes they attract “bad luck”. When the rituals are powered-up with positive energy, with the intention of doing good or helping the requestor, good luck will be attracted.
Spellworkers must assume the responsibility of never using magical powers to harm another living being or control their free will.
There are five key elements that should be used and one warning to casting these spells so that they will work safely and successfully for you.
1 - Passion:
2 - Spiritual Foundation:
3 - Belief:
4 - Secrecy:
5 - Knowledge:
Black Spells - About Casting Spells with Negative Energy
So please make sure you do not mess with your Karma when you cast a spell!
When To Cast A Spell
When NOT To Cast A Spell
If you’re anxious to get busy with your spell casting, I suggest you try to manifest something abstract, such as becoming a more positive person, letting go of harmful habits, etc.
If you attempt to manifest something physical, your mind will chatter and try to imagine where the object, such as a new home or car, will come from. How will it find you? You’ll probably lose focus and wonder how this spell stuff works.
If your mind is disciplined and if you’re certain you won’t cast bad spells, practice a few simple spells.
In most cases for beginners wanting to attract something significant it is usually best to find a psychic mentor who can help and guide you.
Unfortunately, the internet is rife with spellworkers who do not know how to cast real spells, and want nothing more than to grab all your money and give you nothing in return. Their names even sound fake, such as Dr. Oboojubo or Rev. Goldfoot. Seriously? Their email address and websites change frequently. Or, they operate out of P.O. Boxes and use prepaid telephones. They love to post spam comments with bogus testimonials in social media posts. It is a constant job to flick them off and ban them from my own social networks. Beware of anyone using a Dr. or Rev. prefix and stay clear of the old "satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded" lark. The scammer and your money will depart by the time you realize the spell you ordered was never cast. Or even worse - cast with negativity on your behalf! Remember - what you put out bounces back multiplied.
Listen to your intuition. There are plenty of compassionate and professional people who do know how to cast real spells for you. They are always kind and never intimidating. They may request your date of birth and/or picture but will not ask for your social security or bank account numbers.
Trustworthy spell casters should provide picture proof that your spell was completed. And most importantly they will NEVER come back and request more money to complete or continue your spell.
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How to cast a love spell on my boyfriend?
Casting a love spell on your boyfriend combines a pink candle spell and the honey jar spell for the purpose of sweetening up the attraction and magnetism between two people who are already in a relationship.
How to Cast Real Spells: An Introduction to Wiccan Spells, Magic, and Witchcraft - by Mariesa Faer
We all wish we could bring fantastical magic into our daily lives, to inspire curiosity, awe, excitement, and joy in the lives of those around us. How enriching it is to craft and create something that improves your quality of life, whether because it makes you happier, more rested, wealthier, or just more abundant overall. This book will teach you how to use the laws of the universe and the materials of nature to manifest and call in your desires. You will learn magic spells that work - real spells that actually work - because they’re based on the law of attraction and the laws of energy. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to magic or a seasoned expert, this book will aid you in casting spells, and teach you how to do real magic, with witchcraft spells that really work. If you want to learn how to cast a spell in real life, with real wiccan spells, page through this delightful little nugget of Magick.
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