Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Spiritual Healing For Coping With Grief And Loss

What is spiritual healing?

  • This is a holistic practice for restoring balance and harmony within your body, mind, and spirit. It can include diverse methods such as prayer, meditation, or energy healing, all aimed at enhancing overall well-being.

What does spiritual healing mean?

  • Signifying a journey of self-discovery and self-healing, it means tapping into your own inner power and energy to restore balance and foster a deeper connection between your body, mind, and spirit, resulting in increased peace and wellness.

Does spiritual healing work?

  • The effectiveness of spiritual healing varies from person to person. Many people report positive experiences, including increased peace, reduced stress, and improved emotional well-being. It can be a wonderful complementary approach to traditional healthcare when used responsibly.

6 Spiritual Healing Strategies

Anyone can experience grief and loss as being emotionally taxing and overpowering. It can seem as though everything has changed when a loved one passes away. Although there is no universal method for handling grief and loss, spiritual healing can offer comfort and assistance during these challenging moments.

Here are six approaches to explore for utilizing spiritual healing in coping with sorrow and loss.

How To Get Spiritual Healing

1. Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions

  • The initial step in confronting grief and loss is to allow yourself to fully feel your emotions. Avoid suppressing your feelings or pretending that everything is fine. It's acceptable to feel sad, angry, or puzzled because grieving is a normal and natural response to loss. You can start the healing by recognizing and expressing your emotions.

2. Seek Support from Others

  • You don't have to experience loss and sadness by yourself. Support from friends, family, or a support group can be highly advantageous. Surrounding yourself with yourself with people who genuinely care and fathom your situation can provide you with peace and a feeling of relief. It's also worth noting that different people may find solace in various practices or sources of guidance. For instance, some people swear by the advice of fertility psychics as a means to cope with their unique grief and loss experiences. Never be embarrassed to ask for assistance or to seek out others' support.

3. Include Spirituality in Your Daily Activities

  • A sense of serenity and comfort can be brought on by incorporating spiritual practices into your everyday routine during trying times. You can discover significance in your experiences and a connection with something greater than yourself by engaging in these practices, such as prayer, meditation, or going to religious services. You may manage your emotions and deal with stress by developing a sense of mindfulness and inner peace with the aid of spiritual activities.

4. Pay Small Tributes to Your Loved One

  • Simple rituals can be an effective way to remember and respect a loved one. You can feel connected to your loved one and find solace by lighting a candle, establishing a monument, or perusing old pictures. You can start the process of letting go and moving forward with the aid of these modest acts of remembrance.

5. Give Yourself Space to Mourn

  • Healing from grief is a process that requires time. Don't pressure yourself to "move on" too quickly. Give yourself permission to mourn and allocate the necessary time to process your emotions and adapt to your new circumstances. Throughout this process, be kind and forgiving to yourself.

6. Ever Tried Crystals for Spiritual Healing?

  • For their medicinal qualities, crystals and stones have been used for ages. Citrine and rose quartz are two stones that are considered to encourage healing and good vibes. You can take use of these stones' healing abilities and find solace and support during trying times by adding them into your everyday routine.
Spiritual Healing

Why Including Spirituality in Grief and Loss Coping is Important

Including spirituality in your daily activities might be a helpful way to deal with loss and grief. Spiritual practices can help you find significance in your life and a sense of calm during trying times.

While some people find peace in meditation or prayer, others find comfort in going to religious ceremonies. Whether you identify as spiritual or not, including mindfulness exercises to your daily routine can help you better control your emotions and handle stress.

Incorporating spiritual healing strategies into your daily life can help you find comfort and support when going through trying times. Grief and loss can be daunting. Incorporate spirituality into your daily life, be free to express your emotions, ask for help from others, honor your loved one in tiny ways, give yourself time to grieve, and think about using crystals and stones for healing.

By following these steps, you can initiate the healing journey and rediscover a sense of tranquillity and acceptance after experiencing loss. Keep in mind to be kind and patient with yourself while navigating this challenging process. The key is to discover the approach that works best for you and enables you to heal authentically and with the support you need.

The Art of Psychic Reiki is a product from Amazon, *publishing affiliate may get a commission > >

The Art of Psychic Reiki: Developing Your Intuitive and Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing - by Lisa Campion

From master Reiki teacher Lisa Campion comes The Art of Psychic Reiki, a one-of-a-kind, step-by-step guide for learning Reiki techniques for health while cultivating the psychic and intuitive skills crucial to this therapeutic energy work.

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful method from Japan that’s been gaining in popularity over the last century - not only with bodyworkers and massage therapists in the West but also with medical professionals who can attest to its healing power. Born from the author’s decades of experience with Reiki healing and her own methods, The Art of Psychic Reiki provides everything you need to know including the critical psychic development and empathy training that prepares healers to go out and do the work they were meant to do.

If you’re drawn to this art, you might be a highly sensitive person, with high levels of empathy, intuition, and latent psychic abilities (a combination of intuition and inner knowing, plus the ability to connect with higher wisdom). Many new practitioners may experience what’s called a psychic opening as they learn or practice. For this reason, it’s important that every practitioner master the ability to navigate their empathic and psychic sensitivities while engaged in this work - and this book can help.

Whether you’re new to Reiki or you’re a practitioner seeking to deepen your knowledge and enhance your skills, with this guide to reiki healing for beginners you’ll learn heal yourself and others, cultivate and trust your natural intuition, develop your empathic and psychic abilities, work with your spirit guides, and ground and protect yourself as a practitioner of this sacred art.

The Art of Psychic Reiki is a product from Amazon, *publishing affiliate may get a commission > >

Reiki Illustrated is a product from Amazon, *publishing affiliate may get a commission > >

Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions by Hae Lee

Reiki Illustrated by Hae Lee is a fully illustrated reference guide for Reiki practitioners of all levels, offering a practical and accessible resource for enhancing your practice. Whether you are a newly attuned Reiki student or an experienced Reiki Master who certifies and trains others, this book is designed to strengthen your connection to this beautiful healing modality.

Inside, you will find:

  • Clear illustrations of 40 hand positions for treating both yourself and others, featuring diverse bodies to ensure inclusivity and applicability.
  • Concise overviews of Reiki symbols, including their usage and detailed, stroke-by-stroke drawing instructions to help you master each symbol.
  • Step-by-step treatment sequences for 80 common health issues or concerns, ranging from pain and fatigue to grief and low self-esteem.
  • Annotated figures for each sequence, with numbered markings indicating precise hand placements for optimal healing.

Reiki Illustrated is an invaluable companion for anyone dedicated to the practice of Reiki, providing a wealth of information to support your journey and deepen your understanding of this powerful healing art.

Reiki Illustrated is a product from Amazon, *publishing affiliate may get a commission > >

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Intuitive Healing For Beginners

Intuitive Healing For Beginners - by Susan Zummo

A guide to intuitive healing for beginners. Your intuitive ability is like your guide on the path to higher awareness. Opening yourself up to higher awareness can be filled with wondrous experiences. Some of these can be meeting guardian angels, visiting past lives, learning to communicate with all living beings, spiritual healing for situations you have issues with, and using the mind to travel to other dimensions to learn new skills.

A clean inner landscape is vital to reaching your highest spiritual potential. But how to get a higher perspective when we are mired in the daily pushes and pulls of life? Intuition is the key. Intuition is the voice of the soul and if you are open to hearing its guidance you will receive the answer to every question you will ever have.

Here is an exercise for intuitive spiritual healing for beginners that will engage your higher awareness and use your own energy system so you can heal or release a person or situation.

Think about a person or situation you are having an issue with at this time.  You may want to have a pen and paper nearby to jot down the first impressions, images, and thoughts you have as we go through this exercise. 

Intuition speaks in short concise language. Images appear quickly, thoughts and feelings occur quickly. So, it is best to write short notes to avoid shifting from the right brain to the left.  

Before you begin set your intention to heal/release this person or situation. Call upon your Higher Awareness to provide the answers you need.  Close your eyes take three deep breaths; in through the nose and out through the mouth to relax and center yourself.  After each question take a deep breath and write the first image, feeling or thought comes to mind. 

In this exercise visualize the person or situation and ask:

  • “What is my role in this situation?” 
  • “Why have I placed myself in this situation?” 
  • “What am I here to learn?”  
  • “What do I need to do to accomplish this learning?” 
  • “Am I ready to forgive and release this situation?” 
  • “Am I ready to love myself and others more?”

If yes, say, “I forgive (blank) for the role you have played in my learning and thank you for assisting in my growth.  I release you and this situation.  I release the need to have this situation in my life any longer.” Smile with gratitude and wave goodbye.  Now say, “I forgive myself for the role I have played in this situation.  I forgive myself for my actions and thoughts grounded in fearful beliefs.  I’m grateful to have had this learning and now release myself from the need to repeat this lesson.”   Allow yourself to feel completion – a feeling of graduating to a new level. See the freedom that comes from releasing this person/situation and breathe deeply.  

Now ask your intuition to show you what your life will look like once you have forgiven and released this issue. With continued practice you will become lighter and more accepting of self and others.  It will be easier to avoid being bogged down in emotional drama and inner struggles.  Your intuition can also alert you to the fact that a similar situation is presenting itself and give you the opportunity to step back and avoid a repeat.  This is especially important if the person you are forgiving is a relative or co-worker who will remain in your life.  Intuition can provide the best approach and how to remain harmless to everyone involved.  Forgiveness and love allow us to understand the oneness of all creation and gain the wisdom of elevated consciousness. 

Regularly conversing with your intuition will ensure that you have the best guidance possible while you explore the path to higher consciousness.

Susan Zummo is a highly motivated and qualified teacher of higher awareness. She is one of the Master Teachers of the Perceptive Awareness Technique (P.A.T., Inc.), a Soma Pi™ healing teacher, an Integrated Awareness graduate and a certified Healing Hypnosis practitioner. She has also been a Reiki Master with over 25 years experience. For more information: www.susanzummo.com/on-line-training

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