Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

What Is Chakra Healing, How Can It Help Me, And Where Do I Get Some?

What Is Chakra Healing?

  • Rooted in ancient Eastern traditions, Chakra Healing is a process for balancing and aligning the body's energy centers with the aim of promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Who Performs Chakra Healing?

  • Chakra healing can be performed by various practitioners, including energy healers, Reiki practitioners, yoga instructors, meditation guides, and individuals with expertise in alternative and holistic healing modalities.

A Do It Yourself Healing Heart Chakra Exercise You Can Try Using Acts of Kindness

The heart chakra (Anahata) is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. So, one way you can practice healing for the heart chakra is through random acts of kindness.

Chakra Healing: Aligning And Balancing Energy CentersWhat Is Chakra Healing?

If you have been feeling disconnected, stressed, or emotionally burdened you can open and balance your heart chakra by performing small acts of kindness each day. These acts can include:

  • Complimenting Others: Offering sincere compliments to friends, family, or even strangers can create positive energy and foster connections.
  • Volunteering: Spending time helping others without expecting anything in return can be a powerful way to open the heart chakra. Volunteering at a local charity or community organization allows for meaningful connections.
  • Expressing Gratitude: Keeping a gratitude journal and reflecting on the positive aspects of life can shift focus away from negativity, promoting emotional balance.
  • Forgiveness: Letting go of resentment and forgiving oneself and others is a profound way to release negative energy associated with the heart chakra.

As you engage in these acts of kindness, you should start to notice positive changes in your emotional state. You may experience a greater sense of connection, love, and inner peace, indicating a potential balancing of you heart chakra.

Try This Gentle And Loving Chakra Healing Meditation

Gentle And Loving Chakra Healing Meditation

Find a comfortable and quiet space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and let go of any tension.

  1. Begin by bringing your awareness to the base of your spine, your root chakra. Picture a vibrant red light glowing at this energy center. As you inhale, imagine breathing in warmth and stability. Feel the grounding energy of the Earth supporting you. Exhale any stress or negativity, releasing it into the ground.
  2. Now, shift your attention to the area just below your navel, your sacral chakra. Envision a radiant orange light swirling in this space. Breathe in creativity and passion, allowing this energy to flow freely. Release any emotions that no longer serve you as you exhale.
  3. Move up to your solar plexus, located just above your navel. Picture a bright yellow light shining here. Inhale confidence and personal power, filling this area with strength. As you exhale, let go of self-doubt and insecurity.
  4. Shift your focus to your heart center, the green light at your chest. Breathe in love and compassion, allowing this energy to expand with each breath. Exhale any past hurts or resentment, letting forgiveness and healing fill your heart.
  5. Now, ascend to your throat chakra, a calming blue light. Inhale clear communication and self-expression. Exhale any fear of speaking your truth. Feel your voice becoming stronger and more authentic.
  6. Move up to your third eye, located between your eyebrows, with an indigo light. Breathe in intuition and clarity. Release any mental fog or confusion as you exhale. Trust your inner wisdom.
  7. Finally, focus on your crown chakra at the top of your head, a gentle violet light. Inhale a connection to the divine and a sense of oneness. Exhale any feelings of separation or isolation. Feel the energy from the universe flowing through you.

Take a few moments to sit in this balanced and harmonious state, allowing the energy to circulate freely through each chakra. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, bringing this sense of peace and healing with you into the world.

May you carry this love and balance with you throughout your day. Namaste.

Supercharge Your Chakra Practice:
How to Heal Your Energy Centers & Unleash the Full Power of Your Life Force.

Supercharge Your Chakra Practice

This free video-streamed seminar will directly build from Anodea’s Wheels of Life book, which has sold more than 300,000 copies and is considered the classic in the field.

  • A quick overview of the chakra system that resonates intuitively and works with Western psychology.
  • The specific health and body challenges associated with each chakra — and practices that can address and heal each of them.
  • How to differentiate between too much and too little “charge” in your system, and balance your life force appropriately.
  • Ways to work with energetic blocks, and how to shift them more gracefully.

Learn more > > 

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What is Chakra Healing? - by Dipa Chandegra

If there are blocks in the flow of your energy between the divine source, your intuition, and higher self, these disturbances can be rectified. We have many Chakras within our body, there are seven main chakras, which are in alignment starting from the base of the spine and ending at the top centre of the skull. The location of the Chakras in the physical body match up to certain glands and organs.

CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word meaning wheels, they connect to our psychic/etheric/auric bodies and they work with the physical, mental and emotional states of the body. These energy centers permit your intuition/sixth sense to be open so you can be more aware of yourself and your surroundings.

The balanced state of the Chakra spins naturally and has a flowing movement, it can be described as water flowing from the top of a mountain, meandering through the rivers and streams. If it malfunctions, a change of state in this flow, whether it is by reduction or complete blockage. If completely blocked it can cause an excessive or stagnant build up creating a negative redirected flow within the body. This redirection will flow, feed and accumulate negative messages to the physical body which in turn will start feeding negative messages to the mental body, leading to your emotions being imbalanced. You can see how the flow being blocked can cause a vicious negative cycle.

What Is Chakra Healing?

What is chakra healing going to do for me?

Chakra healing therefore is to locate and change the disturbances that stop your chakra/s flow of energy; mental, physical or emotional. Restoring balance, restoring you and your chakra, as well as providing advice to prevent re-occurrences.

Sometimes if this issue is not resolved at the core, the chakra can break down and symptoms can feel like attack. Therefore meaning more work needs to be done on your chakras and you.

Treating your Chakra imbalances

A Chakra healing session can be one or more of the following:

  • Seeing, sensing and or feeling the chakra energy, this can be hands on therapy, hands off therapy and distance healing.
  • Psychic surgery through distance healing or client to practitioner presence. This entails over flowing the chakra and area with positive light flow energy as well as extracting the imbalance/ impurity.
  • Healing the area with new energy and making sure you close and seal up an open wounds.
  • Crystals can also be used for healing.
  • Chakra therapy is delivered through intuition, on different days the therapist can use different methods. It just the way they are being guided.


Guest posts by Dipa Chandegra

Miss MassaRei (translated ‘the light worker’) Dipa Chandegra looks forward to working with you, empowering you for your highest and best intentions and changing your word for the better. Offering Distant and Psychic healing and readings. Practitioner of 20 years. Web: www.massarei.co.uk

What Is A Chakra?

What is Chakra Healing? - by Gloria Kastrone

My advice for understanding chakra healing is to begin with getting to know your main energy centers. These chakras - act as an energy and communication bridge between your physical body and, your mental body, and your energetic body. In other words, they are bridges and energy transmitters between your physical, mental and energetic self.

When your chakras are closed or imbalanced this manifests on all levels - as mental / thinking / focus problems, emotional problems, and physical problems in the body. However, when you start to balance your chakras, information and energy is passed more freely between you and your higher self and these problems can be healed.

Each chakra has a different focus - for example your root chakra is at the bottom of your body and acts as a foundation, a balance, and also helps you to draw in energy. It is also your "manifestation chakra" and helps you to manifest and create your life your way. Your heart chakra allows you to communicate and love - to let out love and to receive it. If there are blockages here then they manifest as problems in your relationships.

Chakras are as inseparable to us as the heart and the physical lungs, and they have a massive impact upon the mind and body - in fact, it is amazing what can be done and achieved, the life you can manifest, the problems you can overcome when you activate your chakras and achieve balance.

How to do a chakra healing on yourself

I would encourage you to reconnect with your own chakras in your daily meditation practice. Start off by simply scanning your body for imbalances. Alternatively, and this is a good self-help exercise to practice, if you feel a very strong emotion, if you experience emotional pain, anger, grief, anxiety - try to locate this emotion within your body. What are you feeling? Where is this emotion? Are you upset and feeling it in your solar plexus? Don't fear to connect to it, so that you can heal. As you gradually seek more information and reconnect with your own body, you will see more and more how the mental and emotional imbalances are connected to the physical. 


Guest post by Gloria Kastrone - USA

In my practice, I have seen many instances where a shift in energy and alignment of chakras caused a total shift in outlook and understanding and enabled my clients to deal better with their current life issues. I work with your energy and the high beings you are connected to. I offer energy scanning, chakra realignment and aura clearing, removal of energetic attachments and protection work.

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