Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Shift Network Free Courses Best For Psychic Junkies Like Us

The vision behind all the Shift Network free courses that you find featured here is to empower a global network of evolutionary change agents through their mind body spirit online events featuring leading wisdom keepers, mystics, and visionaries. 

The free online events for this month include: (1) Wisdom Of Wicca + (2) Discover Quantum Intuition + (3) Multidimensional Exploration Beyond The Veil

The Best Shift Network Free Courses For Psychic Junkies Like Us

The Shift Network Free Courses – Recommended Live Online Events

Awaken The Magic, Healing & Spiritual Power Of Witchcraft

Sept 2024

Have you ever felt the pull of something ancient and powerful just beyond your reach? It may be the ancient call of the witch, or wicca - the loving seers of the sacred - beckoning you back to the wisdom and magic that has been buried beneath centuries of fear and persecution.

During this free online event with Phyllis Curott, a spiritual teacher and America’s most visible public Wiccan priestess, you’ll embark on a transformative journey into the true essence of witchcraft - a sacred path that reconnects you with the natural world and the Divine magic that flows through all of creation.

Witchcraft, as Phyllis teaches, is far from the twisted depictions of old tales. It is a sacred practice of Oneness, where you’ll rediscover the wisdom of your ancestors and reconnect with the Earth in a way that nurtures your soul and awakens your innate power.

The ancient mysteries of wicca reveal how this deep understanding of the creational forces of nature and Spirit can help you shape your reality, heal from within, and bring profound meaning and fulfillment to your life.

You’ll not only reconnect with ancient teachings but also gain practical tools to harness the energy and magic of nature and Spirit, helping you create a life filled with joy, truth, connection, and authenticity.

Phyllis will also guide you through a transformative meditation to center at your inner altar, recognize what needs to change in your life, and energize this transformation with the sacred magic that flows through you.

Long before witches were vilified and forced to hide from the brutality of patriarchal domination, they were revered as healers and shamans who held the keys to the mysteries of the universe - and understood the sacred dance of nature and Spirit.

Don’t miss this opportunity to rediscover your birthright as part of the magic and Oneness of creation!

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Discover Quantum Intuition & Tap Into Your Psychic Abilities

Sept 2024

Do you have a powerful sense of intuition - but aren’t quite ready to fully trust it? Maybe you don’t find it consistent enough.

Or perhaps you’re even a little frightened by your intuition, confused by what it’s trying to tell you, or you sometimes wonder whether it’s even real.

Intuition is a natural part of living in a quantum universe, and supernatural and psychic phenomena are connected to your ultimate human potential, says Kim Chestney, founder of IntuitionLab.

When you open yourself to moving beyond the conditioning of your everyday thinking mind so you can instead tune into the guiding signals of your microcosmic inner realm - home of your intuition - you can expand your personal power and unleash your full potential.

You’re invited to Kim’s special hour-long event with The Shift Network where you’ll begin to feel more confident in your intuitive abilities and understand a bit more of the mysteries of the universe.

You’ll do a guided practice to receive a personal quantum message from the universe based on Kim’s interactive insight cards (she’ll screen share them during the event) and lead you in the practice of “sacred seeing.”

Kim will explain how harnessing the power of your intuition teaches you to trust yourself and override your inner critic. You’ll begin to feel free to co-create a more beautiful, peaceful life with healthier relationships as you feel inspired by new ideas and “Aha!” moments that can transform your life and the world around you.

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Direct Your Personal Energy Field To Connect Beyond The Veil

Sept 2024

Imagine being able to master your energy field so effectively that the chaos of the world around you no longer affects your mental and emotional state.

According to shared and near-death experience expert Dr. Scott M. Taylor and his co-teacher Dr. Charleene Nicely, there are many things you can do to reclaim control, enhance, and direct your personal energy field, regardless of your stage of life and what’s happened in your personal world.

You’re invited to attend 60-minute event during which Scott and Charleene will guide you through a Vortex of Heart Energy exercise to help you connect with your personal energy field and learn to direct it.

By mastering your personal energy field, you can tune into the subtle energies that exist beyond our physical reality, opening the door to profound insights and experiences. This foundational skill empowers you to navigate and explore these realms with clarity and intention, leading to deeper understanding and spiritual growth.

This event will offer you hope by providing you with a potent energy self-care practice you can do anytime to provide yourself with relief, while supporting and enhancing your energy potential.

You’ll walk away from this event understanding that it’s never too late to heal and enhance your energy field - and once you do, you can journey to other nonphysical realms to connect with loved ones who have passed and other beings beyond the veil.

In this event with shared and near-death experience expert Dr. Scott M. Taylor and his co-teacher Dr. Charleene Nicely, you’ll:

  • Gain practical tools for managing your energy when surrounded by discordant energies, helping you stay balanced and focused
  • Learn how to direct your energy field rather than reacting to external chaos, allowing you to maintain control and composure
  • Discover techniques to moderate your vibration, so you can live and function effectively even during turbulent times
  • Experience a Vortex of Heart Energy exercise to learn how to open to and connect with your personal energy field

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Invoke The Magic Of Your Inner Oracle With The Magdalene Rose

Sept 2024

There’s a reclamation taking place on our planet - a remembrance of the profound power that lies within each of us.

According to Elayne Kalila Doughty, ordained priestess and psychotherapist, it’s the return of the collective feminine, also known as The Magdalene.

As a historical figure - teacher, priestess, and apostola - the Magdalene has, for many, become the embodiment of the Divine Feminine and a fully realized woman. At this moment, she’s calling you to step forward, look within, and follow her example in all its frequencies as you reclaim your own inner magic and gnosis - your inner spiritual knowledge.

In this powerful free online event you’ll learn how you can embody your feminine divinity - your own inner Magdalene - and connect with the sacred womb that lies within you as a portal between the worlds.

Elayne Kalila will guide you through an exercise to meet Mary Magdalene and discern which gifts are yours to unearth. As Elayne Kalila will explain, there are six core archetypal faces of the Magdalene (the Creatrix, Incantrix, Iniatrix, Devotrix, Enchantrix, and Illumatrix), all here to awaken, catalyze, initiate, and open the way for your spiritual evolution

Elayne Kalila will introduce you to Magdalene as the Incantrix to help you reconnect with your imagination and intuition. Magdalene as the Incantrix is also the living remembrance of the power of your gnosis. You’ll explore how the mystic rose of the Magdalene is waiting to bloom within you at a time when the world has never needed it more.

Elayne Kalila will guide you to understand that part of your feminine magic is the ability to open the portal to becoming the oracle. You’ll learn what it means to be an oracle — and how it connects you to the Divine and your own inspiration and genius.

In this one-hour online event, you’ll discover:

  • The history of the Magdalene name and how it connects to reclaiming your own feminine magic - your deep cyclical understanding of life, death, and rebirth in your life
  • How you can become an oracle for yourself as you move through this world
  • How you’re wired for imagination and magic - and how magic’s relationship to alchemy and astrology connect to your feminine magic
  • The arc of the rose as an anchoring symbol within the Magdalene mysteries - and one of the earliest maps we have for the descent story, death, and rebirth
  • A guided exercise where you’ll meet Mary Magdalene and discern which gifts are yours to reclaim - so she can return some of your magic to you
  • The history of the ancient sibyls - demigod oracles who are the foundations of our Western civilization

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Train Your Third Eye To See What Your Physical Eyes Cannot

Sept 2024

Would you like to gain deeper insights on the core energies of your health, relationships, career, or life path?

Learning Tyler Odysseus’ practical process for seeing and perceiving energy may be able to help you. A senior Quantum-Touch instructor, Tyler began seeing energy as a child but temporarily lost this ability as he entered school and became conditioned to live in the “real world.”

He later retrained himself to see energy through a series of practices that overcome subconscious programming and essentially train the Third Eye to see what the physical eyes cannot…

During this free online event with Tyler he’ll share some of his most potent techniques for seeing energy, including a guided visualization to communicate and attune to the energy of flowers and perceive their experience of life. 

This practice can have a massive impact on your capacity for compassion, peace, and love as you understand through their energy field what life is actually like for another living being.

In this insightful online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how seeing energy is an inroads to deepening your spirituality and creativity as you learn to see and receive intuitive information
  • Be guided in a visualization to attune and communicate with the energy of flowers
  • Begin to create new programs around your ability to see and perceive energy
  • Learn how seeing energy can reveal the true energy of your relationships, health, and more - and empower your decisions
  • Explore how energy perception can deepen your connection to others and the natural world, instilling a felt sense of joy and presence that radiates outward

Learning how to see energy not only makes life more interesting and fun through an enriched experience of color, energy, and connection but deepens your spirituality as you open to a more compassionate understanding of your own energy and how others might be experiencing life, which is often very different from how they portray themselves - or what your own judgments may be distorting.

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Explore Synchronicity In Your Life & Signs In Your Dreams


Have you ever thought that a coincidence you experienced was actually way beyond coincidence?

If you look back on your life, you’ll likely realize just how much you were shaped by the people you’ve “accidentally” met and unanticipated events that changed your story and the course of your life.

For Robert Moss, bestselling author and creator of Active Dreaming, synchronicities like this happen all the time. He believes that if you pay deep attention to these extraordinary moments and recognize them as signs meant to guide you on your journey - they can transform you and lead you down a path you’re supposed to travel.

Join Robert for an illuminating hour, in which you’ll explore ways to attract more synchronistic moments into your life, so you can find more meaning and direction in the narratives you create.

This is the art of Kairomancy - one of the core techniques of Robert’s signature method, Active Dreaming.

Robert will guide you to become a kairomancer - poised to recognize special moments of synchronicity and seize the opportunities they present.

You can register here for the Shift Network Free Courses

If you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

The Shift Network Free Courses - Recommended Stream-On-Demand Events

Discover How To Communicate With The Spirit World Through Soul To Soul Mediumship

Recommended Stream-On-Demand Event

Did you know that anyone can learn to seek guidance and comforting reassurance from loved ones who have crossed to the Other Side?

This is because everyone has what it takes… a soul.

Soul-to-soul communication is the key to effectively connecting with the Spirit World and more easily conducting accurate and powerful readings through the age-old practice of mediumship.

It’s available to you all the time, according to mystic, medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann, and it’s at the heart of living a more conscious, love-filled, joyous life.

Suzanne will share about how you can access clear and accurate guidance from other realms — and from which you can best serve others — in Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy.

During this life-enriching 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover how to surrender your mind’s “story” of you and open to your body’s soul awareness - to deepen connection to your Higher Self and better access guidance from beyond the veil
  • Gain an understanding of the perception of Oneness and its ability to help you receive guidance from the “reading field” to sharpen and broaden your mediumship skills
  • Learn how with focused intention you can shapeshift, merging into others’ fields to more easily do readings - as a medium and in your everyday life
  • Discover the many levels of soul-to-soul communication from beloved ancestors to beings in the Astral Realm to loved ones and pets still living
  • Be guided to tune in to your own soul awareness to experience soul-to-soul communication and seek the answer to an important question in your life

You’ll also discover how soul-to-soul communication naturally expands your access to guidance from other realms… so you can connect not only with ancestors, but with well-known historical figures, pets who have passed, spirit animals, archetypes, archangels, and beings you may have glimpsed in a dream or in your own near-death experience.

More than anything, you’ll begin to sharpen and expand your mediumship skills and your everyday awareness - and experience life at the higher vibration of love and joy.

You can RSVP for free here

Supercharge Your Chakra Practice:
How to Heal Your Energy Centers & Unleash the Full Power of Your Life Force.

Recommended Stream-On-Demand Event

Supercharge Your Chakras directly builds from Anodea’s Wheels of Life book, which has sold more than 300,000 copies and is considered the classic in the field.

  • A quick overview of the chakra system that resonates intuitively and works with Western psychology.
  • The specific health and body challenges associated with each chakra - and practices that can address and heal each of them.
  • How to differentiate between too much and too little “charge” in your system, and balance your life force appropriately.
  • Ways to work with energetic blocks, and how to shift them more gracefully.

After more than 40 years of study, personal practice and teaching, Anodea knows exactly what works (and what doesn’t). You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover her practices for aligning and activating your chakras so you can use them to energize and power every area of your life.

You can RSVP for free here

Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

Recommended Stream-On-Demand Event

Learn how to simulate your own NDE and welcome peace, love, and joy as the dearest of friends.

Whether or not you’ve had an NDE, or someone you love has had one, you’re undoubtedly aware that this experience is often a dramatic turning point that completely changes the course of someone’s life…

International speaker and bestselling author Anita Moorjani not only had an NDE herself, she now guides others to access the transformative wisdom they so often bestow…

Anita will help YOU access the gifts of an NDE - profound spiritual truths, unconditional love, and a “no-holds-barred” way of living that frees you up to authentically be your very best self - during a FREE video event.

During this complimentary online event, you’ll discover:

  • Anita’s inspiring story of her 4-year struggle with cancer, near-death experience, and return to life
  • A guided journey to simulate your own near-death experience - and begin to release the beliefs and fears that keep you from living fully and joyfully
  • Why you don’t need to work hard at being “spiritual,” but simply to live as who you TRULY are - beyond the constructs and expectations you’ve taken on from your family and culture
  • How fear of illness and “being a doormat” for others can actually make you more vulnerable to illness - and keep you from embracing your authentic life and deepest desires

After literally dying and coming back, Anita viewed the world completely differently. She viewed illness and her body differently; she KNEW she was cured, not simply in remission. And she KNEW it was time to remember her mission and follow her purpose.

You can RSVP for free here

Discover How Your Personality Connects To Your Astrological Chart

Recommended Stream-On-Demand Event

You have traits of all four elements within you, in different combinations and proportions than anyone else on the planet - it’s why each of our personalities and presence are unique. Different combinations result in different strengths and weaknesses within each of us.

When you understand how these elements can shape your personality, you open the door to a deep and profound understanding of yourself and everyone around you.

Debra Silverman will use the psychology of astrology to help you identify how your personality connects to your astrological chart and a precise combination of elements - so you can identify and neutralize your sneaky saboteur… opening the door to your higher self and your ultimate destiny.

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How astrology and psychology work together to help you understand yourself in a new way - illuminating who you truly are so you can create transformation in your life
  • The 4 personality types that live within all of us - and how they connect to the 4 elements
  • A guided meditation for instructing your inner saboteur to help your unconscious mind distinguish exactly what’s holding you back - so you can banish it for good
  • How Debra’s approach, Applied Astrology, helps you quickly learn elemental medicine of astrology and apply it to the specifics of your life and personality - without confusing or complicated lingo
  • Your personal version of what Debra calls your inner saboteur - the thoughts that undermine your happiness and create a trapdoor of negativity that’s holding you back

Debra will help you discover how your personality connects to your astrological chart and how its unique combination of water, air, earth, and fire manifests - so you can ditch your sneaky saboteur and open the door to greater compassion for yourself and others, and ultimately fulfill your destiny.

You can RSVP for free here

Recommended Stream-On-Demand Event

RSVP here for this Summit - at no charge

Explore Psychic Mediumship, Channeling, And Other Metaphysical Skills For Fostering Safe Loving Contact With The Other Side

During this Beyond The Veil Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from over 30 seasoned mediumship practitioners, channelers, “returnees” from near-death experiences, researchers, scientists, medical professionals, and experts who can communicate with those who have crossed over (and can teach you how to do the same).

RSVP here for this event - at no charge

Online Mind Body And Spirit Connection

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