Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

International Psychic Week 2025 Starts On Sunday The 3rd Of August

Here are some fun and engaging ways you can observe and celebrate the International Psychic Week around the world.

Host a Psychic Fair: Gather local psychics, mediums, tarot card readers, palm readers, and other spiritual practitioners to offer their services. These fairs can be an excellent way for people to explore different psychic practices and techniques.

Organize Psychic Workshops: These can be focused on teaching attendees about various psychic abilities or practices, such as learning to read tarot cards, developing their intuitive abilities, or understanding auras.

Virtual Psychic Readings: In the era of digital communication, virtual psychic readings can bring people together from all over the world. You can host a virtual event where participants can get readings from psychic professionals.

Meditation and Psychic Development Groups: These could be regular meetings where participants focus on developing their psychic abilities through meditation and other exercises.

Screen a Paranormal Movie or Documentary: This could be anything that deals with psychic phenomena or the paranormal. Hold a discussion afterwards to talk about the themes and subject matter.

Ghost Tours: If your local area has them, ghost tours can be a fun way to engage with the paranormal.

Book Club: Start a book club that focuses on books about psychic phenomena and paranormal experiences. This can be an opportunity for people to learn more about these topics and share their thoughts and opinions.

Art Show: Invite local artists to submit work inspired by the psychic and paranormal world. This could be paintings, sculptures, photography, or any other form of art.

Psychic Themed Quiz or Trivia Night: Organize a fun trivia night with questions about famous psychics, paranormal events, psychic phenomena, etc.

Share Personal Experiences: Create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to share their personal psychic experiences. This can be done in a group setting, or online.

Celebrating Psychic Junkies Around The WorldFirst week of August each year is for celebrating Psychic Junkies around the world.

FAQs About International Psychic Week

When did psychic week start?

  • It is said to have started in 1965 when a Broadway producer created a psychic spectacular because wanted to help promote his psychic friends. IPW has been celebrated around the world during the first seven days of August each new year ever since.

When is the next National Psychic Day?

  • There are some unsubstantiated myths online saying research shows the origin of a psychic day dates back to 19th-century Britain and was a Sunday set aside to give the community an opportunity to learn about and develop their own psychic abilities. Whatever the origin, I say today that it is a great idea for Psychic Junkies like you and me to celebrate the event and make it actualize. If you choose to embrace the next Psychic Day with me (2025), it is Sunday August 3rd.

What date is the next Psychic Week?

  • Next Psychic Week observed world-wide is in 2025. It starts Sunday Aug 3 and ends Saturday Aug 9.
International Psychic Week

You can celebrate International Psychic Week with the special offers for Mediumship, Predictive, or Tarot Readings below.

Celebrate Psychic Week With A Mediumship Reading

Are you a candidate for psychic medium readings during International Psychic Week? You may be if you’ve experienced unusual events such as: A feather floats from the sky and lands at your feet. No birds are in sight. Or, you feel a whoosh of cold air, followed by the sensation that someone is kissing your cheek. You are home alone.

Such strange occurrences could be a sign that a friend or loved one is reaching out to you at this time with a message from the other side. Your best option is to find a spiritual medium who can guide you and help decipher the messages.

Mediums are psychic, but their specialty is connecting with spirits on the other side. A psychic, on the other hand, is not necessarily a medium.

Usually, mediums do not use metaphysical tools, like crystal balls or tarot cards, to link with spirits. When the spirit is agreeable, energy connection is instant, like plugging in a lamp. Otherwise, spiritual mediums can’t compel the spirit to cooperate.

Are you curious to know how a psychic medium reading works? Some mediums communicate through power of mind to obtain information from spirits via their highly developed inner-senses. This is called mental mediumship.

Another method is called direct voice. These mediums speak to spirits with their normal voice, rather than their minds. It is more difficult to connect and dialogue with those on the other side through the physical senses, because spirits tend to be detached.

Then there is trance mediumship where mediums enter an unconscious state. The medium's physical body becomes an empty receptacle for entities to fill.

Séances can be conducted by mediums for a group of clients who want to establish contact with their departed loved ones. Séance was derived from ‘sedre’, the Latin word for ‘to sit’. An auspicious name for sure, since that is what participants do. They sit. And sit. Many mediums agree, séances are challenging because of the co-mingled energies of the sitters. The object is to connect with entities on the other side who may have messages to pass along to particular members of the group.

To call out to these spirits, mediums may go into a trance state, use a Ouija board or automatic writing. Once spirits arrive, the sitters can pose their questions directly to them.

Be mindful that humans are composed and energy and energy never dies. Once the human skin is shed, energy vibrates at a much higher rate. To achieve a ‘meeting of the minds’, mediums are trained to raise their rate of vibration and spirit naturally lowers their vibrations.

Get help from an online psychic medium today

Communicate with your deceased loved ones to get answers and feel closer to them. These psychic mediums can help you connect with the world beyond and your loved ones who are now in spirit. Get help from an online psychic medium today > >

Experience Psychic Week With A Predictive Reading

There is a significant difference between mediumship and predictive psychic readings. Mediums use their psychic ability to prove survival of the human personality after death and to help the bereaved come to terms with their loss. Predictive psychics can “sense” on a material level, but do not “tune in” to the spirit world. They have the same extrasensory perceptions (also known as ESP) that include telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition but these gifts are used to make prophecies or to give you insights into the course of your future.

You could celebrate International Psychic Week by having a predictive psychic reading to get an insight into where you are headed in love and romance, work and business, home life, travel planning, or about getting on track with your destiny.

Experience National Psychic Week With A Clairvoyant Tarot Reading

Tarot cards are often used as a tool for psychics to offer guidance that may relate to past, present, and your future. The cards can be laid out in various ways and include any number of cards drawn. Some psychics may even use multiple tarot decks. Ultimately, the messages and guidance offered will be of meaning and truth, and essentially, is a message that needs to be given at that time.

While tarot card decks come with a list of meanings, the good news is that real psychics will throw away the books accompanying the tarot cards and use only their clairvoyance to give messages. The duration of psychic tarot readings given will vary. However long or short the readings may be, the messages given will be honest and give meaning and validation to the recipient.

Authentic psychics will not elaborate or exaggerate your information to lengthen readings. When divination tools such as the tarot are used, they are read using spiritual direction. This means that cards will be read on an individual basis for each person.

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