Ian Parkin is the author of this post.
Your first signs of clairaudience could be whispering the best advice. They may be murmuring between the ears but are you listening? People who have the courage to listen to their inner leadings and the confidence to follow the guidance can connect with their Higher Selves and Spirit.
Have you ever had strange experiences that lead you to believe you just might have clairaudient psychic abilities? For instance, do you hear talking when nobody is there? Has someone ever called out your name when you were home alone? Do you hear music playing that is inaudible to others? 'Clear Hearing’ is one of the extra sensory powers of the mind that everyone possesses.
There are different signs of developing clairaudience. Are you wondering if everybody is supposed to have this clear auditory power, why don’t you?
The easiest answer is for you to think about your imaginary friends from childhood. Chances are, they either spoke in a physical voice (external clairaudience) or you communicated with each other by telepathy (internal clairaudience).
Because your parents, teachers, etc. believed you were imagining things, they conditioned you to quit using your special powers. But Spirit will continue to nudge clairaudients.
One of three things will occur:
Note: It’s OK to consciously stop spirit guide dialogue. Accepting the intuitive gift of clairaudience is not obligatory.
Person #1 will likely use this psychic sense in their life’s work.
Person #2 didn’t have the courage to revive his/her latent clairaudient powers. She/he envisions clairaudience as punitive, rather than adventurous.
Note: The most prominent intricacy when you develop clairaudience or clairvoyance is battling the fear.
Finally, person #3 is a risk-taker. He/she wants to explore the benefits of receiving spiritual guidance through clairaudience. These clairaudient people can go on to become practicing psychics and mediums.
What Is Clairaudience?
What are the first signs of clairaudience?
What does it mean to be clairaudient?
What does it mean when you hear your name whispered?
What should I do when noticing the first signs of clairaudience?
Raise Clairaudient Energy by Cyndi Dale
Obtain the important guidance you need to make better decisions, improve your health, and take purposeful action with renowned author Cyndi Dale. In this book on clairaudience (the ability to hear sounds or words from the spirit world), you'll find step-by-step instructions for using six styles of this psychic skill: classical clairaudience, speaking in tongues, clairaudient writing, telepathy, connecting with natural beings, and applying clairaudience for healing and manifesting purposes. Build yourself a clairaudient toolkit and utilize Cyndi's specialized techniques. Explore exercises designed to improve your skills as you move through each chapter. This essential guide on how to develop clairaudience helps you enhance your spirituality and attract great opportunities.
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My First Signs Of Clairaudience - by Lee McNeal (Virginia Beach, VA)
Does it ever seem like you hear different kinds of sounds flow through your head? This auditory hallucination might be a sign you’re clairaudient. I have been a clairvoyant long before I knew what clairvoyant meant. Then I began having experiences of receiving spiritual guidance through clairaudience. Most of my life I've had inner sight and empathy. I tried to pressure myself in reading tarot. I thought it was something I had to master. But I've learned each one of us has their own thing. I understood that when I gave a reading to a friend (trying to pay attention to the cards), and instead of coming up with my interpretation of the cards, it turned into a mediumship reading. There was family of this person that stepped in, etc. Most of my readings are now mediumship readings, which are somewhat interesting, being that this began in my early 30's. It is possible the more comfortable we become with our gifts; the more the spirit world opens up. You know that old saying, "He won't put more on you, than you can bear"? I believe that goes for our gifts as well. Love and light! – Lee
Dictionary - Clairaudience