Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Silva Psychic Method For Remote Viewing, Telepathy, & Manifesting

At the heart of the Silva Psychic Method is the fact that you can tap into your mind's full potential by accessing deeper levels of consciousness. This involves working with the alpha and theta brainwave states, which are states your brain naturally enters when you’re deeply relaxed or meditative. José Silva believed that these states are where your intuition and psychic abilities become most accessible. Through training, you can develop a stronger connection to your inner guidance, sharpen your intuition, and even explore psychic skills like telepathy or remote viewing.

The Key Techniques and Practices of the Silva Psychic Method

One of the first things you’ll learn is the 3-2-1 Countdown Method, which helps you relax and enter the alpha state. By mentally counting down and focusing on relaxation, you can prepare your mind for deeper work. From there, you’ll use creative visualization to picture your goals or problems being solved. This isn’t just daydreaming - it’s a structured process to influence your subconscious mind.

Another technique I found fascinating is called the Mental Screen. You visualize an imaginary screen in your mind and project images of your goals or situations onto it, creating clear mental instructions for your brain to follow. (PS. I found the woman of my dreams - now my wife - using this method). There’s also the Glass of Water Technique, which is simple yet powerful: you drink a glass of water while affirming that the solution to your problem will come to you, often as inspiration or insight. One of my personal favorites is the Mirror of the Mind, where you picture a problem transitioning from a negative image to a positive one, helping you mentally rehearse success (I used this to prepare my presentation and overcome stage fright when I needed to present to an audience of 4,000 people in Las Vegas). If you’re drawn to developing psychic abilities, you’ll enjoy Case-Working, where you “scan” someone or a situation in your mind to gain intuitive insights or even assist in healing.

Biofeedback Testing Of The Silva Psychic Development Method

Learn The Silva Psychic Method

Books and Resources: If you want to dive deeper into the Silva Method, you can start with the classic "The Silva Mind Control Method" by José Silva. This book explains the philosophy and core techniques in detail. Another great resource is "You the Healer", which focuses on self-healing and helping others. For psychic development you will want to get a hold of, José Silva’s "Ultramind ESP System", this is an updated version of the method that goes further into intuitive abilities and extrasensory perception.

Courses and Workshops: If you’re serious about mastering these techniques, you might consider taking one of the Silva Method courses. These workshops, which are available both online and in person, will guide you through practical exercises to help you relax, focus, and connect with your intuition. They’re often immersive experiences that leave you feeling empowered and equipped with tools you can use in everyday life.

Jose Silva's Advanced ESP System: The Ultramind ESP Complete Home Seminar.

Embark on a transformative journey with Jose Silva's Advanced ESP System: The Ultramind ESP Complete Home Seminar. Immerse yourself in 40 audio sessions, spanning over 15 hours, and the accompanied 12 mental training exercises.

This program goes beyond traditional self-help, reflecting Jose Silva's groundbreaking research in pushing the limits of physics. Discover how to harness your natural intuition for reliable guidance in both personal and professional spheres.

Distinguish this seminar from online "Silva techniques" videos, as it transcends mere mind-reading. Silva's method empowers you to project thoughts and emotions into others' minds, a skill already realized by millions of seminar attendees.

Experience the tangible results of Silva's research—where enhanced intuition becomes a lived reality.

Jose Silva's Advanced ESP System is a product from Amazon, *publishing affiliate may get a commission > >

Have Your Say About The Silva Psychic Method

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About The Silva Psychic Method - by Laura Silva-Quesada

Before the Silva psychic method was fully formed, I had an intense disagreement with my father - José Silva. It all started back in the 1980's after he had developed certain alpha level techniques and teachings, found only in our seminars, that led to incredible breakthroughs in psychic development. What I’m talking about here are feats some may find hard to believe - miraculous healings, unexplainable trances that exposed past lives, remote viewing, and psychic reading abilities that bend the rules of reality as we know it.

Seeing all this for the first time, I couldn’t contain myself and I told my dad I just want to find a way get this information out to the world and prove what we can really do. He forbid me to do anything of the sort. I couldn’t understand why my father, the man who brought modern meditation to the West, would hold back content so powerful from a world he had once pledged to help.

I would learn his real reason for keeping this incredibly powerful material from the world was simply that he was sure the world wasn’t ready for his Silva psychic development methods. I didn’t understand him back then, but it’s crystal clear now.

My father had a keen understanding of human consciousness and the technology available during that time. He knew that existing technology and the level of consciousness in general society wasn’t developed to the point where most people could accept learning the deepest, most advanced facets of Silva’s breakthroughs all those years ago.

When my father began teaching, what has been called, Silva Mind Control Method in the 60’s, he disguised it as a bio-feedback course! These popular courses were all the rage back in the 60’s. They took attendees through a form of alternative medicine, where their bodily functions like blood pressure and muscle tension were measured and conveyed to them in real-time. This feedback was used to raise the participant’s awareness and mental control of his or her unconscious physiological activities.

BUT, while my father did this, he also taught his attendees case-working! Imagine that! People were going for what they thought were alpha level bio-feedback courses, but walking away with full-fledged psychic powers, capable of healing, remote viewing, true psychic ability - and much more.

After my father passed away in 1999, I remained cautious about releasing this material outside of my regular Silva Mind Power seminars.

Not long after I made up my mind that the world was ready for the full extent of my father’s teachings. So, I extracted the most advanced sections from our Silva seminars and created the course that broke the boundaries father had imposed to reveal the Silva Ultramind Psychic Development course we can all now use.

Laura Silva-Quesada

Laura Silva Quesada, daughter of José Silva – founder of the original Silva Mind Control Method.

Born during the pinnacle of José Silva’s research on alpha level mind development, Laura was one of the primary research subjects, which gave her extensive personal experience, insight and access into the development and use of intuitive techniques. Bringing together some of the most experienced experts in the mind development field Laura continues the research that unites the best and most useful concepts behind the original Silva Method school programs with the latest findings on the brain, mind, intuition, alternative health care, human potential, and spirituality.

Under her determined leadership, Silva’s business organization continues to integrate the latest mind/body research, making certain that the Silva Method remains on the cutting edge in the evolution of human potential.


Learn More About What Your Brain Waves Can Do

My pick of the Alpha Meditation products from Amazon, publishing affiliate may get a commission

Meditations for Psychic Development: Practical Awaken Your Sixth Sense Exercises - by Chanda Parkinson 

The Silva Mind Control Method for Getting Help From the Other Side - by Jose Silva & Robert B. Stone 

Psychic Development: Simplified Practical Meditation System - by Aria Young

Psychic Development: Chakras, Auras & Meditation Techniques - by Luna Sidana

You have a Genius Brain Wave.

And if it were activated, manifestation would work 100X faster - but it’s dormant! And until now, researchers were lost.. But a brand-new trick from NASA has the entire community SHOOK up. They say all it takes now is this “7-Second Brain Trick” to target this brain wave and activate it!

And once you do:

  • Remarkable events start to take place in your life..
  • You notice your problems get solved for you, with little to no effort on your part..
  • Lucky things and synchronicities start to happen to you, and opportunities come your way..

This leading neuroscientist says it’s “like having a Superbrain”...

> > You have to see this short presentation all about it!

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