Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Psychic Development Circle Exercises And A Sample Session

I’ve prepared some psychic development circle exercises for you to explore and practice psychic mediumship. You will also find a sample session to help you get a group started in the best way to enhance your connection to spirit in a caring space.

What is a psychic mediumship development circle?

  • A psychic mediumship development circle is a transformative space for you to explore and deepen your connection with the spirit world and your own intuitive gifts. In the circle, you’ll learn to trust your impressions, connect with spirit guides and loved ones, and grow in confidence at your own pace, all within a supportive and uplifting environment. This journey is not just about developing abilities - it’s about opening your heart, embracing your unique spiritual path, and discovering the joy of connection, healing, and growth. With focus, patience, and an open mind, you’ll unlock the incredible potential that lies within you.

Do online psychic development circles work?

  • Online psychic development circles have surged in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic. They have become a powerful way for you to connect and grow spiritually from the comfort of your home. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, Meet, and Teams allow you to practice your psychic development circle exercises with others worldwide. Even in a virtual space, energy and intention transcend physical boundaries, enabling you to experience deep connections and meaningful growth. These circles offer flexibility, accessibility, and the opportunity to explore your abilities in a supportive environment without needing to travel. With technology, you can embrace your psychic journey no matter where you are.

Structure Of The Psychic Circle

To structure your circle effectively, start by defining its purpose and goals. Decide whether the focus will be on learning, practice, spiritual connection, or developing specific psychic skills like clairvoyance, mediumship, or telepathy. Set clear group objectives that prioritize mutual growth, respect, and confidentiality. It’s also important to establish group dynamics by selecting a leader or facilitator to guide sessions, manage time, and maintain focus. Keep the group size manageable, ideally 6-10 participants, to encourage interaction and connection. Create guidelines for open communication, respectful feedback, and active participation. Plan for consistent meetings, either weekly or bi-weekly, with sessions lasting 1-2 hours. These can be structured into time for practicing the psychic development circle exercises and sharing reflections. The environment should promote relaxation and focus; arrange chairs in a circle and use calming elements like candles, crystals, incense, or music. Begin each session with a grounding exercise or invocation for protection and close with gratitude, a brief meditation, and energy clearing.

Psychic Development Circle Exercises

Psychic Development Circle Exercises

In terms of psychic development circle exercises, always start with grounding and centering techniques to align and stabilize the group’s energy. This could involve visualizing roots extending into the earth or focusing on deep, mindful breaths. To develop intuition, practice object reading (psychometry), where participants pass around objects and share their impressions, or try simple yes-or-no questions to strengthen gut feelings. For clairvoyance, work on image visualization by having participants visualize objects, colors, or symbols, or practice photo reading to describe the energy or life of a person in a photograph. Telepathy exercises can include thought sending and receiving, where one person thinks of a color, shape, or image for others to intuit, or silent charades to encourage intuitive interpretation of actions. For mediumship and spirit connection, guided meditations can help participants connect with spirit guides or loved ones, while message circles allow each person to deliver intuitive messages. Energy work can include aura reading to sense participants’ energy fields and healing exchanges using meditative or Reiki techniques. Automatic writing or drawing is another powerful exercise, where participants let thoughts or images flow naturally onto paper, then discuss insights. Partner or group exercises, like intuitive readings or collective meditations, foster deeper connections. Encourage everyone to keep journals for documenting experiences and reflecting on growth.

Additional Tips

To make the circle successful, focus on building trust and creating a nonjudgmental environment where everyone can feel comfortable sharing openly. Celebrate progress by acknowledging psychic breakthroughs and signs of growth, and remind participants to be patient with themselves, as psychic development takes time. Consider exploring tools like tarot cards, pendulums, or crystals to enrich the sessions, and occasionally include educational discussions on topics such as energy fields, chakras, or spiritual traditions. With time and consistent effort, the circle will become a powerful space for collective growth and exploration.

How To Find A Psychic Development Circle That Will Nurture Your Spiritual Connections

Sample Session For A Psychic Development Circle (1.5 To 2 Hours)

Welcome and Grounding (15 minutes)
Begin by welcoming participants and briefly discussing the session’s goals. Set a positive tone with a short grounding exercise. Guide the group through a simple visualization: ask participants to close their eyes, take deep breaths, and imagine roots growing from their feet into the earth. Encourage them to feel stable and connected. Follow this with a protective invocation, such as calling on white light or spirit guides for guidance and safety.

Warm-Up Exercise: Enhancing Intuition (15 minutes)
Start with a quick, fun exercise to awaken intuitive senses. For example, a "yes or no" practice: the facilitator secretly writes down a yes-or-no question (e.g., "Is it raining outside?"). Each participant writes their intuitive answer. Discuss impressions and how the answers felt to participants.

Main Activity: Psychometry (30 minutes)
Ask each participant to bring a personal object with emotional or historical significance, like a piece of jewelry, a photograph, or a trinket. One at a time, pass these items around the circle. Participants hold the object, close their eyes, and share any impressions they receive (images, emotions, words, or sensations). Emphasize that all feedback is valid, and there is no wrong answer. Discuss findings as a group.

Meditation for Psychic Connection (20 minutes)
Lead a guided meditation to strengthen intuitive abilities. Ask participants to imagine walking through a peaceful forest or garden and encountering a spirit guide or source of wisdom. Encourage them to ask questions and receive answers intuitively. Allow time for silent meditation, then invite participants to share their experiences if they’re comfortable.

Reflection and Closing (10-15 minutes)
Conclude the session by discussing any breakthroughs, challenges, or observations. Encourage participants to journal their experiences. Close with gratitude by thanking the group, spirit guides, or the universe. End with a simple energy-clearing exercise, such as visualizing any excess energy flowing into the earth.

5 Psychic Development Circle Exercises For Beginners

1. The Color Aura Game
Have participants pair up. One person silently chooses a color in their mind that represents their current emotional state. The other person intuitively guesses the color and explains why they chose it. Discuss how the exercise felt and if impressions were accurate.

2. Symbol Visualization
The facilitator selects a set of simple symbols (e.g., a star, heart, circle) and visualizes one while projecting it to the group. Participants write down the first image they see in their mind’s eye. Compare results and discuss.

3. Energy Ball Creation
Guide participants in creating an "energy ball." Ask them to rub their hands together until they feel warm, then slowly separate them, focusing on the energy between their palms. Encourage them to shape the energy into a ball and visualize its color and texture.

4. Guess the Object
Place a small object in a box or bag so it’s hidden from view. Each participant takes turns holding the box or bag and describing their impressions of what’s inside (e.g., shape, material, or energy). Reveal the object afterward to validate impressions.

5. Thought Projection
One participant thinks of a simple object (like a cat or a book) and visualizes it clearly. The others focus on picking up the thought, writing down or describing what they sense. Compare results and discuss the process.

6 Psychic Development Circle Exercises For Mediumship

1. Connecting with Spirit Guides
Lead a guided meditation where participants visualize a peaceful place and invite a spirit guide to join them. Encourage participants to observe any impressions of the guide's appearance, energy, or messages. Afterward, discuss experiences and impressions.

2. Inspirational Writing
Provide paper and pens, and guide participants to meditate briefly before asking for a message from a loved one in spirit or a guide. Encourage them to write whatever comes to mind without overthinking. Share and discuss the writings to identify potential spirit messages.

3. Message Circle
Create a safe, supportive space where you can all take turns sitting in the “focus seat.” The rest of the group tunes into any impressions they receive for the person in the seat. This could be a visual image, a word, a name, or a feeling that resonates with the sitter. The sitter can validate or note any meaningful connections.

4. Sensing Spirit Energy
Pair everybody and have one person invite the energy of a loved one or spirit guide to be present. The other partner closes their eyes and describes any sensations, impressions, or images they receive. Rotate roles to practice both connecting and receiving.

5. Flower Reading
Each participant brings a flower (or a personal item, such as a photograph) and places it in a shared basket. Participants randomly select a flower and try to connect with the energy of the person who brought it, describing any impressions or messages they intuit.

6. The Empty Chair Exercise
Set up an empty chair and guide everyone to imagine a spirit loved one or guide sitting in it. Ask each participant to describe what they intuit, such as the spirit’s energy, appearance, or message. This builds confidence in sensing non-physical presences.

A FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann

3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Loved Ones & Others in the Spirit World.

In this FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of “evidential” mediumship and why it’s so sacred. 
  • Discover the 3 keys to mediumship: Belief in the Spirit World, alignment, and a shift in focus from the physical to the Spirit World. 
  • Learn how you can begin communicating with your loved ones who have passed. 
  • Find mediumship can be a path for your soul’s evolution. 
  • Hear about what makes a reading “evidence-based” - and how this form of mediumship raises the bar and meets the true goal of being an authentic and indisputable voice for Spirit. 
  • Experience a practice to connect with your guides and ask them for signs. 

Click here to learn more about this free event > >

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