Real Psychics On Kasamba - Full Review Of The Online Portal

Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

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Of all the psychic portals I’ve reviewed Kasamba offers one of the best psychic reading services in the world. Since 1999, Kasamba has focused on customer satisfaction. You've got to admit they’re doing something right, as evidenced by three million 5-star reviews, which has clearly forged their path to being a popular and accurate network for online psychics.

Whatever you are seeking in online psychic readings, they have got it! There is such a variety of different types spiritual advisors available. From astrologers to numerologists and spiritualists, hundreds of bona fide online psychics with years of experience call this portal their home base.

All the Kasamba psychics post a picture and profile.  Read those of interest for an overview of spiritual gifts, prices, and their psychic reviews.

Kasamba makes your experience stress-free with various types of readings, such as tarot card reading sessions, fortune tellers, love psychics, astrologists, career advisors, dream analysis experts and much more.

Each category shows the total number of advisors. While a random sampling I carried out shows 260 fortune telling advisors, 273 dream analysis advisors and 59 remote viewing exerts.  

The psychic services on Kasamba are provided through text chat, email or phone.

The website is user-friendly. When you’re ready choose an advisor who appears a good match and you’ll be directed to the sign-in screen. If your expert is not available or you prefer your consults via email, a reply is promised within the next 24-hours.

Kasamba’s claim to fame is the instant messenger-esque chat. The ‘PrestoChat’ is a nifty function, which lets you and your consultant chat in real time. For those with very little patience, this means no more waiting overnight, to get insights and direction.

  • Tip:  Print the transcript of your chat reading to review at your leisure.

No prepayment required means you can put your attention on your sitting and pay when you are ready. Virtually unheard of in this business. Kasamba wants happy customers, backed by their satisfaction guarantee. So, if you are not happy with the accuracy of these real psychic advisors just complete the handy form to request a refund.

Your privacy is important! LivePerson's Kasamba is a third-party client processor. Their portal provides you with a discrete connection between you as a client and the best psychic readers. Neither you will be given any personal contact or billing information.

What’s to like?

  • The site is easy to navigate, even for newcomers. Random sweet deals for new users, and a free 3-minute chat any time, combined with a pay when you please posture, makes the site more inviting than most. Layering on a satisfaction guarantee ensures your experience is a win-win.
  • Of all the methods of communication their real-time chat platform lets you and your psychic advisor share the same space and see one another chatting at the same time. 24/7 = day and night, including weekends.

What’s not to like?

  • The company promises a satisfaction guarantee, however, there is a lot of buzz about the difficult process involved if you feel you should ask for a refund. Money back is capped to $50. The lack of telephone support may cause small issues to grow.

The opinion on the experience with Kasamba?

A visit to Kasamba is comparable to visiting a fine-dining establishment. Kasamba’s ‘menu’ offers a prodigious selection of expert advisors, a vast display of specialties, with everything from astrology, master fortune tellers, and tarot card readings, with desserts (readings) that are good for the soul. Following a friendly chat, you will leave totally satisfied.

How Do I  Find The Best Psychics On Kasamba?

  • To see the full range of real psychics on Kasamba and find the best to suit your questions you go to their website and start looking under the main category of Personal Psychic Readings. You can drill down through over a dozen sub-categories, and some of these even have their own sub-categories from which you can narrow your search even further. When you are in the right category browse through profiles and decide upon the best psychics for the things you want guidance on. Always review the ratings and feedback of past clients to ensure that the option you've chosen is the person with the most suitable experience. Then try the 3-minute free psychic reading session. To save you some time and effort I have listed all the sub-categories below so you might find one of the most suitable experts for your needs.

Guide To The Real Psychics On Kasamba

  • Psychic Reading
  • Aura Readings
  • Crystal Readings
  • Pet Psychics
  • Psychic Mediums
  • Remote Viewing
  • Rune Casting
  • UK Psychics
  • Love and Relationships
  • Love Readings
  • Breaking Up and Divorce
  • Cheating and Affairs
  • Gay and Lesbian People
  • Marital Life
  • Parents and Children
  • Single and Dating
  • Soulmate Relationship Connections
  • Tarot Readings
  • Angel Card Reading
  • Cartomancy
  • Fortune Telling (Past, Present and Future)
  • Dream Analysis
  • Astrology Readings
  • Chinese Astrology
  • Vedic Astrology
  • Career Forecasts
  • Religion
  • Christianity
  • Wicca
  • Palm Reading

  • Paranormal
  • Ghosts
  • Universal Laws
  • Law of Attraction
  • Numerology
  • Eastern Philosophy
  • Feng Shui
  • Past Lives
  • Intimacy
  • Fertility
  • Occult
  • Spell Casting
  • Graphology
  • Picture Readings
  • Financial Outlook (Also good for business and real estate insight)
  • Kabbalah
  • Psíquicos en Español
  • Psíquicos Expertos
  • New Age Spirituality
  • Astral Projection
  • Empowerment
  • Intuitive Behavior

Click here to use a special promo to take 50% off your first online psychic reading session.

Once you’re ready to make contact, simply press the `Let’s Chat or Call Now!` button to start your consultation. If you already have an account you will be immediately connected. If you are new you will need to create an account. This is easy to do; you will need to provide a valid email address, choose a password, and choose a screen name (this keeps your personal details confidential whilst online with Kasamba)

Introductory free psychic reading services. You will have 3 free minutes with every new advisor, unlimited, so you can find the right match for you. This applies to the live chat but for a phone psychic or tarot reading you will have the 3 free minutes to speak with the first advisor only. If you’re not satisfied with your first paid session, you can request a refund.

Sometimes an experienced reader that you want is not online. When this happens, you will be prompted to send an email request for a reading with them at later times. Your chosen consultant will then answer as soon as they can help you – generally, in less than 24 hours.

There are no hidden reading costs with these really gifted psychics. The total price you pay is your psychic’s rate per minute, multiplied by the exact amount of time you have interacted after clicking the `hire` button.

For email readings the amount is pre-determined before your consultant provides their email reading. Your credit card will only be billed after the session has been completed and that is after you have reviewed and accepted your Kasamba psychic reading invoice.

You only pay for the minutes of Live Chat from "Hire" until either you or the psychic clicked the "Quit Session" button. The length of the paid session is indicated by a timer that is located at the bottom of the chat window. Parts of a minute are rounded up to a full minute. Once you click "Quit Session" and depending on your initial selection, the session fee will either be charged to your credit card.

After the reading has ended it’s a good idea to rate and offer a Kasamba review for the person that you consulted. Your ratings and comments for paid psychic reading sessions will appear in the psychic’s virtual office as well as their listings across the online psychic network and can be seen by all.

Another neat thing with the service via Live Chat is that a full transcript will be available to you at the end of the session. You will find the transcript under the blue ‘History’ tab at the top of the page of your account.

Guest Posts by Real Psychics On Kasamba

If you are one of the real psychics on Kasamba and feel inspired to write an article for us please submit a guest post here

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