Horoscopic Astrology Forecasting Can Be The Most Helpful For You

What is Horoscopic Astrology?

  • Horoscopic Astrology is most helpful when you want more precise predictions from your star sign. You get much more accurate forecasts from the zodiac using the exact time you were born, the exact date you were born, and the specific location of your birth.

Cristina Aguilar is the verified author of this guest post.

The original word meaning of horoscope suggests "observer of the hour" in Greek. This is why people use the word horoscope when they want to find out things about their future. The horoscope is a chart of deep space over a particular place at a specific moment in time.

Astronomical incidents impacts human events all over the world. The positions in planetary items also forecasts the future characteristic of a person before they are born. Numerous cultures throughout history have studied astrology to find out the relationship between the planets and it's results on human life.

Horoscopic Astrology Forecasting

Who developed Horoscopic Astrology?

The earliest known organized system of horoscopic astrology emerged around the 2nd millennium BCE in these regions.

  • The Babylonians developed the concepts of the zodiac, the division of the ecliptic into 12 equal signs, as well as the associations of planets with deities.
  • The Chaldeans systematized horoscopic astrology around the 5th century BCE, developing methods for casting horoscopes and interpreting celestial events.
  • Around the 4th century BCE, the concepts of horoscopic astrology spread to ancient Greece, where philosophers like Plato advocated studying the movements of celestial bodies.
  • The Greek astronomer Ptolemy (c. 90-168 CE) wrote the influential work Tetrabiblos, which codified and expanded on Babylonian astrological teachings.
  • During the Hellenistic period and through contacts with India and Persia, Greco-Babylonian astrology developed further.
  • In the medieval period, horoscopic astrology was adopted and developed by Arab astronomers and astrologers, who made significant contributions.

So while the foundations were laid by the ancient Mesopotamians, horoscopic astrology evolved over many centuries through the influences of various civilizations into the form more recognizable today in the Western world.

Why is Horoscopic Astrology So Important?

Horoscopic astrology is a kind of astrology that gives more sense and logic to occasions that take place. It's almost like a doctrine that specifies many events do not simply take place for no reason. Therefore, astrology is utilized to determine why these events actually take place.

I cannot emphasize this enough, if you truly want to know your future horoscope but you just check your horoscope by your date of birth alone it will not suffice. I am going to describe to you why just utilizing your horoscope by your date of birth will not be a precise prediction. People are so desperate for somebody to predict their future in horoscope predictions - however it needs to be done properly.

Every 4 minutes a brand-new degree of a specific zodiac becomes visible on the eastern horizon. Therefore, this causes a brand-new zodiac to appear on the western horizon. It can likewise potentially cause changes on the axis as well. This can change zodiac signs since the latitude controlled changes every 4 minutes. We will now see why forecasting your future horoscope by your date of birth is not totally precise.

What is Horoscopic Astrology?

Additionally, for each clock hour the earth skips down a circular motion to a complete half of a zodiac sign. In two hours it turns fully and you have a complete zodiac sign. These indications can likewise overlap in more than 2 houses. This can trigger modifications in the zodiac also. A 10 minute birth distinction can change the rotation of planets which can cause a complete modification in the zodiac. A wrong birth time and location could include the following complications for your horoscopic astrology forecast:

  • A different zodiac and sign
  • A different decan of the same sign
  • A different location 
  • Multiple planets in different houses
  • A disruption in finding one's true horoscope and zodiac

In conclusion, always remember to find a real and true horoscopic astrologer. Make sure the astrologer uses the exact time you were born and the exact date you were born as well as the location of your birth. This will give you much more accurate future predictions.

Author - Cristina Aguilar

Cristina Aguilar the Gypsy Raven

Cristina Aguilar (also known as Gypsy Raven)  is a folklorist, astrological adviser, expert Tarot reader and award-winning writer.

She studied folk magic and learned simple folk traditions from her grandmother who was a village psychic in southern Spain.

She is currently a five-star astrological reader with the Kasamba Psychic Network and author of three books:

Gypsy Wisdom - Ancient Magic for the Modern Witch - See the Future! With Regular Playing Cards 

* Member of Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment

* Member of Association for Psychics USA

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