Describe how you first realized that you had psychic abilities.
Why is being a psychic so important to you?
Describe your journey into the psychic world.
What spiritual skills do you have?
Please share any thoughts you have about psychic being a special ability.
How have your abilities changed over time as your own wisdom increased?
What are your thoughts around everybody having a certain degree of psychic power?
What are your personal spiritual views regarding the psychic realm?
Please share your most noteworthy personal metaphysical experience.
When do you avoid telling people that you're psychic?
When do you like to be very open about being a psychic?
What star sign are you?
What is your general approach when you read for people?
What can you share about your most fascinating reading to date?
Kelley is a professional psychic reader and a practicing Witch, with extensive experience in astrology, scrying, pendulum, and dream analysis, with which she has helped people from all over the world.
Her personal Craft veers toward the traditional magick of early modern Europe, particularly from Italy, France and the British Isles, as well as other forms of magick learned and applied over the years.
Primary psychic gifts include: precognition, retrocognition, empathy, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. All these gifts have been fostered and honed through many years as a practicing Witch.
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Readings by Kelley is the verified author of this psychic interview.