Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Interviews With Psychics: The Human Side Of A Mystical Calling

Exploring interviews with psychics can offer a rich and nuanced understanding of how they work, what methods they use, and how their experiences have shaped their lives. These conversations often reveal how psychics first discovered their abilities, whether through vivid childhood experiences or sudden turning points later in life.

They also shed light on the tools and techniques they use - such as tarot cards, mediumship, clairvoyance, or energy work - and how they interpret the intuitive information they receive. Some describe receiving images, feelings, or physical sensations tied to others’ emotional states, which helps demystify what’s often seen as an abstract process.

Interviews With Psychics
Interviews With Psychics

Beyond technique, these intriguing interviews with psychics provide insight into the psychological and emotional dimensions of this esoteric work. Psychics often discuss how they handle emotionally intense readings, maintain healthy boundaries, and approach their practice ethically. Empathy, intuition, and emotional sensitivity play major roles, and hearing them talk about these aspects can help you understand the more human, grounded side of their work.

Many psychics also speak candidly about how their abilities have transformed their lives. For some, discovering and embracing their psychic gifts led to a deeper sense of purpose; for others, it meant redefining relationships and spiritual beliefs. Their stories often reflect personal growth, moments of doubt, and the challenges of working in a field that’s frequently met with skepticism. By exploring multiple interviews with psychics, you’ll start to notice common patterns - such as early intuitive experiences, a desire to help others, or the struggle to reconcile their work with everyday life - as well as the diversity of beliefs within the psychic community itself.

Ultimately, interviews help humanize psychics and offer a broader, more informed view of what psychic work really entails. Rather than relying on stereotypes or secondhand opinions, hearing psychics speak for themselves lets you explore their world through their own words. Diving into these interviews can be a powerful way to better understand the reality behind the role.

Interviews With Psychics: Real Voices From the Edge of the Unseen

Kristy Robinett Is An Abnormally Normal Psychic Medium

Kristy Robinett has been seeing spirits from the tender age of 3. "I had difficulty understanding what I was being taught at school and church compared to what I was seeing, feeling and hearing. For several years I fought with the rationale, my sanity and my religion. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I decided to consult my minister."

Kristy Robinett Is An Abnormally Normal Psychic Medium

As I sat down across from the man, his eyes looked into mine with wonder. I was the good girl of the school and the church; a straight 'A' student, active in youth groups, the choir, the band, drama, varsity sports 'an All American Girl' so the reason why I was sitting across from him wringing my hands profusely confused him.

Not necessarily knowing how to begin, I merely blurted out "I see ghosts. I see angels. I see spirits. And they talk to me!" My minister looked at me without expression and asked me to explain more in depth to the degree of communication.

At that moment his son came through. A son I never knew he even had. A son nobody in the parish knew he had and who he had lost. Tears shone in his eyes and he hugged me, giving me his blessing to pursue the work he believed I was given by God. It sounds oh so simple, but a theology debate with me playing the devil's advocate took place over a matter of a few hours. I continued to consult with him and he would counsel me and I would often counsel him.

He told me that it wouldn't be easy, me being who I was, but that if it were easy everybody would do it. He also cautioned me on the types of people who would try to ridicule me, play theology Jeopardy with me and mock me.

Traditional Christian religion preach that ghosts are impossible and do not exist, when in fact there are several examples of paranormal activity in The Bible. The one misconception is that a ghost and a spirit are two separate things. Wrong. Ghosts and spirits are one in the same, people who have died and visit from the other side of the grave. Even in the Bible people were afraid of the unknown; afraid of the spirit life, but Jesus continued to prove that the spirit life existed and continues to exist.

Becoming comfortable with my gift has taken an awful long time and still when I speak with someone who doesn't know "what" I am, I begin - "Now, I am perfectly sane, but....I see ghosts...." I am not different than you. Everybody has the ability to "see", you just have to open yourself to it.

Kristy Robinett - Psychic Medium, Soul Coach, and Author

Kristy Robinett is an internationally renowned Psychic Medium. Her clientele ranges from young to old, law enforcement, clergy, politicians, physicians, attorneys, domestic goddesses, metaphysical professionals and celebrities, to every day people. Her dedication and passion to her work is performed with honesty, integrity and humor, which sets her apart from the rest. She has touched the lives of thousands of people giving spiritual guidance and reunited them with their family and friends who have crossed over, in her private sessions (personal, phone and email), workshops and lectures. She has the gift of bringing warmth and love when using her gift of insight to help clear the cobwebs of confusion along with helping people embrace their own intuitive gifts. Not always serious, Kristy has a wicked sense of humor that she likes to bring to her readings.

Visit Kristy at KristyRobinett.com

Kristy's Books: Product from Amazon, publisher may get a commission > >

The God Gifted Psychic Josefina Valero Interviewed

My name is Josefina Valero, I am a God Gifted Psychic born in Spain, in a small fisherman village in the Costa del Sol. When God gives you a spiritual gift he means for you to use it - and was is more stubborn than I was!

I always remember people saying, "she is different", I used to hate it, I just wanted to be like everyone else. I used to see (still do) colours round people, animals and plants, I knew how people were feeling by these colours; as the years passed I learned more about these colours, not from books but from my own conclusions.

Psychic Josefina Valero Interview

In 1972 I came to England to study English. I made friends with one of my teachers, I told him about these colours I saw around people, he said I was a God Gifted Psychic, it was the first time I had heard that word, he advised me to read about it. I did, and from that day I have been studying and learning about the esoteric arts and sciences, like astrology, palmistry, tarot, numerology, runes, crystal gazing, etc.

I found out that I was most comfortable with numerology, palmistry and cards, these three props came most natural to me; while I am using them with the clients, images come to my head, I hear words or sentences as if I was watching on a screen the life of the client, most of the time I don't know what they mean, but the clients do, and that is what matters.

I didn't have any intention to do psychic work for a living; so, when I finished College I started working for the Chambers of Commerce as a translator-interpreter. People who knew me and business I was translating for kept on asking about readings and numerology charts, so I did them, not only for the nice extra cash, it was a nice hobby that I enjoyed doing.

After the birth of my first daughter I decided to go into teaching, it was a better time-table with a child. I still carried on doing party bookings, business readings and numerology studies. I didn't advertise, it just went from mouth to mouth.

In 1996 something happened that changed my life. I was working in Spain as a teacher, the director of the local radio station asked me to do a show once a week about psychic abilities, it was a live programme where people could ring and ask questions, I agreed, my life wasn't the same since then, my name got known in the media and I was doing TV and Radio shows all over Spain, America and Europe, I visited many famous people, politicians and business giants.

I left the teaching and dedicated myself wholly to do the psychic work, to impart my knowledge to others, with courses, conferences and workshops. I passed from being a secondary teacher who nobody knew to become a familiar face on the TV screens.

Now, back in England, my life is quieter. I like studying and learning and even now after so many years I am still learning. I don't need to work as hard as before, my children are grown up and it is only my husband and myself now, but I can't leave the psychic work altogether, it is part of me, part of my life, and when I get e-mails from clients telling me how much they have been helped by a reading or a workshop, and when clients of 30 years ago are still in touch with me as friends now, I know it would be very selfish from my part not to do the God gifted psychic job he gave me to do.

Psychic Josefina Valero

Josefina Valero lives in Nottingham, England.

Webmaster awaiting an update with her contact details

More Interviews With Psychics

Step Into The Unknown - Share Your Story

Are you a practicing psychic, intuitive, or spiritual medium with a story to tell? I am inviting voices from all walks of the esoteric world to participate in this 'interviews with psychics series' exploring the reality behind the readings. Whether you’ve been doing this work for decades or just stepping into your gift, your journey, methods, and insights can help others better understand what it truly means to live a psychic life.

Join us in pulling back the curtain - one honest conversation at a time.

Interested in participating? Click here for my Interviews With Psychics Questionnaire