Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

How To Do Automatic Writing And Experience Higher Guidance

What is automatic writing?

  • Automatic Writing is the form of psychic channeling known as psychography. This higher guidance may emanate from one’s own inner voice, a spirit guide, or another entity's disembodied consciousness and comes through the hand of a human mind. An automatic writing session can teach us about the spiritual beings we truly are. The following exercise shows you how to do automatic writing. All you will need is pen and paper and a meditative state of mind to receive thoughts and feelings through this mystical line of communication.

I will share the exercise in a moment, but first a little history.

During the heyday of the spiritualist movement in the late 19th century, attempts to establish a rapport with those that have passed were all the rage. This was the era in which the Ouija Board was invented, and the middle and upper classes indulged in seances (some successful, most less so) in a bid to obtain a higher truth of one kind of another.

At the time, it was (and to some extent still is) believed that the world of the spirits is not a static place but one where the souls of the departed continue to evolve. This in effect means that they may know something we don't and that getting in touch might mean discovering a secret or a form of wisdom higher than our own.

What is Automatic Writing?

Obviously, during that time, the question arose over how to most effectively receive paranormal messages from beyond. Many methods were devised but one method that gave the most freedom, speed of expression, and tangible results was the practice of automatic writing.

While normally engaging in communication with the dead requires an open mind, deep intuition, and the ability to "sense" ideas instead of literally hearing them, oftentimes this will not work. For some spirits, a different approach is needed. This is particularly true of souls of those you never knew in life - which are more likely to impart any sort of information only if you assume the role of a passive, receptive vessel, rather than that of an active conversation partner. In short, you need to act as a medium. One of the ways to achieve this is to get your spirit guide writing through your unconscious mind automatically.

For many people the benefits of automatic writing can be diverse and are found in areas such as:

  • receiving deep insight from your unconscious mind,
  • triggering mystical experiences,
  • learn how to channel spirit guides,
  • receiving help and direction for guardian angels,
  • connecting with life purpose,
  • boosting creativity,
  • more able to interpret dreams for yourself,
  • navigating their life path as if they have a psychic GPS,
  • increasingly make wiser decisions,
  • gain a deeper connection to the universal mind of god, goddess, source, all that is,
  • and people who practice automatic writing find their intuitive abilities becomes more reliable.
Learn How To Do Automatic WritingAn exercise for learning how to do automatic writing.

How To Do Automatic Writing - Practice This Exercise

Before you start, make sure to have a pen and paper at hand. It is important to begin from a starting point of absolute peace and quiet both around you and in your own mind, so close your eyes for at least 10 minutes. During the seance, it might occur that your focus is so aligned that you are not always able to hold a pen or pencil tight enough to create marks on the paper. You can use a piece of string to tie your writing tool of choice firmly in place, making sure it is comfortable and not to keep it too tight around your hand as to avoid completely stopping blood circulation and causing your meditative trance to break.

Once you have that sorted, you can enter into a meditation assuming the role of a passive observer of any thought process in your mind. Soon you will notice the forming of ideas slowing down and then disappearing one by one, leaving a blank state of consciousness that is ideal for having spirit flow through you from the astral plane. Once you fall into this meditative state, this vague border between wakefulness and sleep, start moving your hand (or rather, your pencil) across the paper. Initially, few of the marks will make any sense. You won't exactly be conscious of what you're writing, being but a potential medium for another entity's thoughts and feelings. Don't expect any of it to make too soon. A few sessions may pass before any kind of spirit attempts to communicate with you. Only after a decent amount of practice might you be able to recognize words, sometimes even sentences as you read what you’ve written from beyond. At other times, small doodles will appear, bearing their own symbolism. Be persistent and result will slowly come.

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You may also like: The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE): How to Turn Your Journaling into Channeling to Get Unstuck, Find Direction, and Live Your Greatest Life! - by Michael Sandler

Ever grabbed the steering wheel, and yanked it to the side, just in the nick of time? Or ever picked up the phone to call someone, only to find they’re already there! Inside of each one of us, is an inner wisdom just waiting to come out. It’s the voice that had you turn the wheel or pick up the phone.

And this inner knowing has the answers to your most pressing questions. Where do I go? What do I do? Why am I even here? Or even how do I get out of this mess? The answers are closer than you think and with The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE), a revolutionary process to enter a meditative state, put pen to paper, and watch each word flow, you’ll have access to this incredible wisdom anytime you want.

And the greatest thing is, you don’t need any particular belief, spirituality, or even gift. This ability to tap in is available to everyone--especially you. In AWE, you’ll quickly and easily learn how to tune into this wisdom, get answers, find direction, and point your ship almost anywhere you desire.

You’ll learn more about your life than you ever imagined! And when you learn how to do automatic writing using the AWE, you’ll tap into the most powerful manifestation tool, putting the law of attraction into action, helping attract your dreams, and much more.

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Learn How To Do Automatic Writing Using Self Hypnosis.

You can practice learning how to do automatic writing with this self-hypnosis exercise.You can practice learning how to do automatic writing with this self-hypnosis exercise.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for learning how to do automatic writing with self-hypnosis:

1. Prepare Your Space
Begin by selecting a quiet, comfortable environment where you won’t be disturbed. Gather your materials - such as a pen and paper or a notebook - though handwriting is often preferred for its tactile connection to the subconscious. Set the mood with dim lighting, soft music, or candles to help create a calming atmosphere. Ensure there are no distractions, such as phones or external interruptions, to maintain focus throughout the process.

2. Set Your Intention
Before starting, clarify your purpose for automatic writing. Are you seeking creative inspiration, answers to specific questions, or general guidance? You can enhance your focus by writing a question at the top of your paper to guide the session. Setting a clear intention aligns your subconscious mind with your goals.

3. Begin Self-Hypnosis
To enter the relaxed state needed for automatic writing, start by relaxing your body. Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the ground and your hands resting gently. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose, holding for a moment, and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Progressively relax each part of your body, starting at your toes and moving upward, imagining any tension melting away with each exhalation.

Once your body feels relaxed, calm your mind by silently and slowly repeating a soothing phrase, such as “R e l a x” or “L e t  g o o o.” Visualize a peaceful scene, like a beach or forest, to deepen the relaxation. Then, deepen your hypnotic state further by counting down from 10 to 1. With each number, imagine yourself sinking deeeeeper into peace, affirming statements like, 10 - “I feel calm and centered, ready to relax completely now.” 9 - My body is becoming lighter and more at ease.” 8 - “Each breath I take draws me deeper into peace.” 7 - “I release all tension, allowing it to melt away.” 6 - “And as I do so, my mind is quiet, and I feel safe and serene.” 5 - “I am drifting deeper, letting go of all distractions now.” 4 - “My subconscious mind is opening, clear and receptive.” 3 - “I am fully relaxed, surrounded by a deep sense of comfort now.” 2 - “I feel deeply connected to my inner self and spirit guides.” 1 - “I am now completely relaxed, open, and in tune with the universal mind of god, goddess, source, all that is.”

4. Begin Writing
When you feel sufficiently relaxed, open your eyes but remain calm and focused. Hold your pen loosely, letting your hand rest lightly on the paper. Begin by making aimless scribbles or movements to relax your hand and open the flow of subconscious input. When ready, allow words, phrases, or sentences to emerge naturally, without consciously directing them. Avoid worrying about coherence, grammar, or structure. Simply let the pen move freely and trust whatever comes to mind.

5. Maintain Focus
As you write, detach yourself from the process and avoid analyzing or judging the words that appear. If your conscious mind begins to interfere, return to deep breathing or silently repeat your calming phrase to re-center. Let your subconscious mind guide the writing without attempting to control or overthink it.

6. End the Session
When you’re ready to finish, gradually bring yourself out of the hypnotic state by counting up from 1 to 10. With each number, affirm that you are becoming more alert and aware. Once fully alert, take a moment to review what you’ve written. The text may initially appear abstract or cryptic, but patterns and insights can emerge with reflection. Conclude the session by acknowledging and appreciating the process, as well as any guidance or creativity that surfaced.

Tips for Success
Consistency is key when learning how to do automatic writing. Practice regularly to strengthen your connection with your subconscious and the universal mind of god, goddess, source, all that is. Remain open-minded and avoid forcing specific outcomes or judging your writing - it’s a natural, unfolding process. Keep a journal to record and reflect on your automatic writing sessions, tracking progress and uncovering deeper insights over time. With patience and practice, this technique can become a powerful tool for creativity, self-discovery, and intuitive guidance.

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