Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Closing The Third Eye Chakra In Your Own Meditations

Closing the third eye chakra may sound a bit paradoxical - especially if it took you some time to reach the stage of opening it. However, from my experience having an open third eye 24/7 is both impractical and can sometimes prove to be negative - you “see” negative energy and spiritual entities that may attach to your aura or that of others like leeches and you experience all sorts of confusion, nightmares, and flashes of people and you wish that they leave you alone. Add all these nasties to practical situations where you must use your mind and attention and things can get out of control.

Can The Third Eye Be Closed?

  • YES. However, you’ll have to practice closing the third eye properly otherwise it will simply be ineffective. I have personally tested the following two techniques and I’ve found that they do temporarily close you third eye, so give them a try:
How To Close The Third Eye

Two Meditation Exercises For Closing The Third Eye Chakra

Closing The Third Eye Chakra Meditation No 1: The cord cutting method. This technique is based on the simple principle that we have various energetic cords linked to people, places, or spirits that we exchange both positive and good energy with. In this case, the cord that you will have to cut is the one connected with your third eye chakra and the divine source. In your meditation visualize a thick cord starting from your third eye chakra to the divine source and instead of cutting it abruptly with a knife or scissors, dissolve it gently until it gradually disappears and you no longer feel or see it. You’ll have to do this yourself. Don’t invite any spirits to help as this will simple reinforce the energy of the third eye and make the whole method useless. 

Closing The Third Eye Chakra Meditation No 2: The root chakra visualization. Our root chakra is the chakra that connects us with survival issues and mother earth. Empowering this chakra won’t totally close the third eye but will mitigate its action and side effects so we become more grounded and practical as opposed to intuitive with our head in the clouds. Here is how to do it: In your meditation sit in a conventional yoga/lotus position and take a few moments to focus on your root chakra - the area below your waist where your legs start. This chakra emits red energy. Visualize it’s red light eventually getting brighter and brighter. Feel like roots are growing out of your feet connecting you with mother earth and feel as if you are already grounded and down to earth. Perform this visualization for a few minutes or until you feel fully grounded.

Both of these closing the third eye chakra meditations take a bit of practice. But once you do them a time or two you will get results easier without draining your energy much. Results are also temporary and there is no guarantee that your psychic third eye will not open up again but these will switch things off for days or more so that you feel more grounded and balanced.

Your Pineal Gland Is The Third Eye Chakra

"The pineal gland is a crystalline superconductor that sends, as well as receives, information through the transduction of energetic vibrational signals (frequency beyond the senses, also known as the quantum field) and translates it into biological tissue (the brain and the mind) in the form of meaningful imagery, the same way as an antenna translates different channels onto a TV screen." - Dr Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural

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Two Meditations For Closing The Third Eye Chakra

Comments About Closing The Third Eye Chakra

Good Aspect On 3rd Eye - by: Peter
Thanks for this viewpoint. I agree most info is about opening the mystic eye. It is of great value to know how to close it up too!

Third Eye Gazing - by Tabitha (Newport,CA, USA)
In my meditation for closing the third eye chakra I was sitting cross legged on the floor opposite my boyfriend. I began to look at his face. I started to stare and as I watched his face it began to change. I saw him from a young child to an adult to an old man. As I continued to watch I started to see a Phoenix begin to form around him. I have no idea what this all meant. 

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