Ian Parkin is the author of this post.
What Can A Clairvoyant See About The Past, Present, And Future?
What can a clairvoyant see that is not visible to the average person?
- Clairvoyants possess a remarkable ability to see beyond the physical realm, perceiving images, symbols, or visions that offer information about the past, present, or future. These visual insights often manifest in their mind’s eye, resembling a mental movie or a series of still pictures. They have the unique capacity to tap into hidden information, unveiling truths not readily available to the five senses. This might include understanding your emotional state or identifying underlying issues in various situations. Many clairvoyants also connect with spiritual guides or higher consciousness, receiving messages that can provide you with guidance, comfort, and direction. This spiritual connection allows them to offer advice on personal growth, spiritual development, and your life’s purpose. Additionally, clairvoyants assist with decision-making by offering a broader perspective, helping you see potential outcomes of different choices, and illuminating your best path forward in complex situations.
Types Of Information Accessible To A Clairvoyant Person
A clairvoyant person can access a wide range of information, including detailed insights about your life, such as relationships, career, health, and personal challenges. They excel at uncovering subconscious thoughts and feelings, bringing them to light for healing and understanding. In terms of future possibilities, clairvoyants can foresee potential scenarios based on current energies and trends. While emphasizing that these visions are possibilities and not certainties, they highlight the individual's power to change their path. Clairvoyants also play a crucial role in spiritual and emotional healing by identifying areas where healing is needed, whether emotional, mental, or spiritual. They often provide techniques or advice on addressing these areas, promoting overall well-being.
What Can a Clairvoyant See That Is Relevant to Your Life?
A clairvoyant advisor's insights can be highly relevant to your personal and spiritual journey. If you suspect you have psychic abilities, working with a clairvoyant mentor can validate your experiences and help you understand them better. They can guide you in developing your own intuitive skills, offering practices and insights to enhance your abilities. Clairvoyant insights can inspire personal transformation, helping you align more closely with your true self and life’s purpose. The spiritual guidance received can strengthen your connection to the divine and foster a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey. Moreover, gaining a broader perspective on life’s challenges through clairvoyant insights can enhance your awareness and mindfulness, leading to more informed and conscious living. These readings can shed light on unseen influences affecting your life, empowering you to make proactive changes.
Exploring Your Own Psychic Abilities
To explore your own psychic abilities, start by validating your experiences against what clairvoyants describe. Consider if you see visions, receive messages, or sense information beyond the ordinary. Engage in practices that enhance your psychic abilities, such as meditation, visualization, and energy work, and pay attention to your intuitive hits, journaling your experiences. Seeking guidance from a clairvoyant can also help you understand and hone your abilities, providing not only insights but also a means to develop your intuitive skills. Clairvoyance is a profound gift that offers unique perspectives and guidance. Whether you seek a clairvoyant’s services or explore your own intuitive abilities, this journey can lead to deeper self-awareness, spiritual enrichment, and personal empowerment. Embrace the potential of clairvoyance to enhance your life in meaningful and transformative ways.

FAQs About What A Clairvoyant Person Can See
- Your 3rd eye is in between your two physical eyes, in the middle of your forehead. Even the skeptical scientific community acknowledges clairvoyance as remote viewing via the 3rd eye. One scientific hypothesis is that our pineal gland was once an eye. To date, nobody really knows if we started out with one eye, which contracted into our brain, in deference of our two physical eyes. But the mystery remains open to speculation about whether or not it was always a 3rd eye linking us to Spirit.
- An example of clairvoyance in psychic tarot reading looks like this. While shuffling a deck of tarot cards, your psychic tunes into you energetically while listening to any questions you may ask. Turning up one or several cards your psychic will gaze into the card or cards that catch their attention. The imagery of those cards will spark further clairvoyant visions with in the mind's 3rd eye. Note, psychic's do not use card spreads like a by-the-book reader would.
- An example of clairvoyance in a psychic predictive reading looks like this. Tuning into you energetically your psychic clairvoyant can pick up images, symbols, colors, etc. that will relate to the now and where you may need to work on closure or make difficult choices. In the process of connecting with you, a predictive clairvoyant can see future opportunities and obstacles that you may want to know about.
- This is a different type of reading altogether. Clairvoyant mediums specialize in visually communing with the deceased. It is a strong human desire to know whether deceased loved ones are in a happy place. An example of clairvoyance in psychic mediumship looks like this. Your medium will tune into you and tune into any loved ones in spirit who make themselves known during your sitting. It will appear that your medium is looking into empty space to one side of you, above or below you. They are scanning for a vision in their mind's eye to drop into their awareness. A medium needs to have a passive approach, for it is the spirit who appears to the medium not the medium pulling an apparition into view. The clairvoyant medium can then describe to you what he/she is seeing. The medium will be looking for signs and symbols that indicate if the spirit is male or female - the spirit's relationship to you - the way the spirit passed - the character of the loved one - this is providing a form of evidence for you. It is the evidence that comes with this connection that will let you know for sure if the psychic is really seeing your loved one or is pulling fantasies from their own imagination. Only after receiving solid evidential information should you take heed of any messages or advice relayed on to you.
- Psychometry is a great way for you to practice clairvoyance yourself. An example of clairvoyance in psychometry looks like this. A clairvoyant practicing psychometry will hold an object that belongs to you or your loved one. In doing so your psychic will begin to see and describe images that come to their inner mind. Evidence - information only you know about - is always a clear sign your psychic is genuine.
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