Low light, a certain distance and an angled gaze will help you learn how to see auras for the first time. All living things have auras! People, animals, plants and even the earth itself.
Richi Who is the verified author of this guest post.
Some people have always been able to see a faint glow of light around other people and just take it for granted, although the majority of people will lose this ability as they grow out of childhood.
Thanks to Kirlian photography most people now generally accept that this energy field does actually exist. However, unless you can actually see them, this knowledge is of no use to you.
The first hurdle in learning how to see auras is the 'seeing is believing' syndrome:- If you have never seen an aura, then you won't believe that you can. If you don't believe you can see one, then you will be unable be able to see one!! - Catch 22!
Our auras are unique to us with different colors and patterns. Which colors and patterns are in yours? What do they mean? An online psychic aura reader can help you find out what your aura says about you and your energy. Learn more > >
How do you see auras on your hands?
How do you clean your aura?
The process of cleansing (compacting) your energy field is one of clearing your body/mind/spiritual connection. It goes like this :
That's it! - Feels refreshing and cleansing, doesn't it? I perform this little ritual before meditating, saying affirmations and in fact before performing any spiritual exercise. *My personal affirmation is "In the name of Jesus Christ" ....., simply because I was raised in a Judeo Christian tradition.
I first met 'Richi Who' (AKA Richard Philippe) in 1986 when I had moved to Magnetic Island in Queensland. Richi was leading a mystical, monkish, life at the time. He was living alone while caretaking the solitary house at Arthur Bay for its owner, the late, Sid Ward.
Richi became an integral part of my own spiritual initiation and was to become my psychic guide. His late-night mystic sessions on Arthur Bay filled my life with wonder while opening doors to other worlds.
Richi later became the first psychic reader I retained at my Ancient Wisdom Center and we stayed friends ever since. Sadly Richi Who passed away in 2013 while on holiday in Europe. Happily he has since reconnected and is now one of my highly evidential spirit guides.
Wiki: Auras