Ian Parkin is the author of this post.
Who else wants to know how to contact the afterlife? The ties of our loving relationships are not severed after death. And we often have lingering questions and matters that were not settled while our deceased friends or family members were alive.
So, wouldn't it be nice to pick up the phone and have the ability to talk to your deceased loved one? Well, it is not quite that simple, but . . .
Known also as an ALC, afterlife communication can provide personal reassurances of life after death, and a way to find some relief for the grief. For those who are not innately gifted with this ability, there are many psychics who can help you.
Here are some common psychic gifts used to speak with deceased loved ones:
If you do not want to learn how to contact the afterlife yourself, genuine psychic mediums will help you to find answers you need. Ghosts and spirits should be treated with the same respect that you would show to a living person. They are just as eager to reach out to our dimension as we are theirs.
Communicate with your deceased loved ones to get answers and feel closer to them. These psychic mediums can help you connect with the world beyond and your loved ones who are now in spirit. Get help from an online psychic medium today > >
As with any special gift, psychic mediums use physical tools to enhance their powers and bring their revelations to light. These tools help the psychic stay focused and can often provide a better understanding for the clients. Ancient mystics knew how to contact the afterlife and gave spiritual significance to four powerful elements: air, earth, fire, and water. These are some of the most common elementary tools that have been used by psychic mediums for millennia:
It is also possible for psychics to use their own bodies for afterlife communication. Known as channeling, the medium will go into a trance and will take on the voice and characteristics of the loved one who is being called.
Afterlife Communication: 16 Proven Methods, 85 True Accounts contains descriptions of methods people are using today to communicate with loved ones who have passed away. The authors are acknowledged experts in afterlife communications who developed the methods, are using them consistently, and are teaching people how to contact the afterlife with them. The book contains actual accounts of people's connections with their loved ones on the other side using the methods described in the book. This is the book that contains all the methods presented by the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies in Scottsdale, Arizona, July 11-13, 2014.
There are other ways that the spirit world is able to come through. These are the easiest methods to try for yourself.
3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Loved Ones & Others in the Spirit World.
In this FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you will:
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Many people search for reasons to believe in afterlife communication and wonder what happens to us when we die. Churches, of one faith or another, have taught us many different beliefs about life after death throughout the ages.
The atheist viewpoint is that that once we die, we simply snuff out; much like a light bulb that has finally blown. Some with a reincarnation leaning may believe that when we die, we come back to live another life.
Some followers of reincarnation believe we may return not necessarily as people next time, but in other forms of life which would depend on the deeds we accomplished in our last incarnation. And some angel enthusiasts believe we go on to become wonderful angels, loving and guiding anyone who needs our help.
Through meditation with my spirit guides I have learned a lot about the other side and what happens to our consciousness after we die:
When you want to communicate with someone who has died, I am able to connect in many different ways. I always tell my clients, even though they may specifically wish to talk to their mother or a child or sibling who had passed on, the family member who comes through may not always be the one expected. A psychic medium can only connect with the person who is around you at the time of the reading. That may not always be who you want to get answers from, but they can also send through information that is validating to you.
I have heard people who talk about going to mediums online who had asked for the name, birth date and even location where the deceased person had lived. Be suspicious of this practice. Chances are that medium uses the internet to download death and birth records and use those records to make you feel they are connecting. A true medium like myself will ask you for none of that! Your loved one will tell me that information to prove they are connecting with you.
I get images in my mind. It’s almost like seeing a movie. Different pictures are flashed to me in my inner frame of reference. When I am able to understand one it drops out and separates from the rest of the flashing pictures. I am often able to see your past loved-one; not as fully as seeing a person that would be standing next to me, but as a shadowy figure standing off to the right watching these flashing pictures with me. I see them in my mind's eye like they are standing at the side of a movie theater. When that happens I am also able to make out some of what they are saying and I receive energy vibrations from them as well. So it is reasonable to say that I see, feel and hear them; this makes the psychic connection with them a lot better for me and gives you solid reasons to believe in the afterlife and that genuine communication is happening.
When we pass away it is hard at first for us to come through to our loved ones. It takes a lot of energy. Most of the time the person needs to have been on the other side for a few months before they can come through to a psychic medium for you. Small children and infants usually come through with the help of older family members who have passed. It’s harder for them to speak with a psychic medium like myself and to show pictures for messages because they have had little life experience.
One of the most important things that I have learned about life after death communication is that you do not need a person like me to connect with your loved ones who have crossed over.
They can show you signs every day that they are around you. All you have to do is look for them. And if you talk to your loved ones in the afterlife they will hear you. By talking to them you are telling them that you do indeed believe they are around you and this helps them to connect with you and give you signs that they are around you so much more.
Our bond is love. And love knows no boundaries of time and space. It simply is. There are plenty of reasons to believe in afterlife communication if you look for them.
Penny Clark Babson has been an online psychic medium since 2002 and is a published author, she is a specialist psychic who knows how to contact the afterlife.
Originally from West Pawlet Vermont and living there most of her life, Penny now resides in the neighboring lakeside town of Wells in a cabin on the East Shore with her daughters. Her office, Impressions Unlimited, is also now located in Wells Vermont.
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