Carolyn Gwiazdzinski: An Intuitive Empath Interviewed

Carolyn Gwiazdzinski is the verified author of this guest post.

I am Carolyn Gwiazdzinski, an intuitive empath and light-bearer holding much energy and information for these very new and changing times.

I grew up in a home, where communication was not key to the pain that my family would feel, on a very regular basis. At 25, I knew I needed help in healing my experiences. By the end of my one year healing with traditional counseling, I was completely online to my intuition.

Carolyn Gwiazdzinski's Intuitive Empath Artwork by KagayaCarolyn Gwiazdzinski's Intuitive Empath Artwork by Kagaya

I began reading upwards of over 100 books in the first six months. Yes, I had a guide for the beginning of my journey. Soon after, I was able to take a class. My teacher shared with me that my intuitive empath abilities were going to connect quickly and boy did they.

Prior to my counseling and the classes I took, I would find it very difficult being in crowds, crowded stores, and especially being around negative people who that refused to move through their stuff and moods. 

Eventually, with lots of practices; reading for others and teaching psychic/intuitive development and the Tarot, I discovered that I had a life purpose and mission to bring much needed understanding and information to other intuitive empaths.

I would discover, that being extremely sensitive, would require great practice in remembering how to focus my mind and pay attention to my emotions, feelings, attitude and behavior. I used lots of healing modalities to participate in a constant clearing of my personal space and boundaries. I pretty much became a guardian of my personal boundaries.

This has been a 30 year journey. There continue to be days, where I am begging for inner relief from the pressure valve of life. I really feel the shifts and changes energetically, however, because I committed to my journey, I can function in a balanced and centered way. I'm disciplined at picking and choosing who comes into my home with my family, and I pick when I go grocery shopping or the time of day that I do certain things, for the most part.

These are definitely very new and interesting times that we are living in and it is my hope, that others who read my articles or request a consultation with me, that they too, will find peace in their own awakening journey.

The process for sensitivity is a constant request, for our full participation in healing our life, with much needed understanding and awareness.

Guest post by Carolyn Gwiazdzinski 

Carolyn Gwiazdzinski

Although Carolyn Gwiazdzinski is a highly intuitive empath, she do not do psychic readings.  Carolyn's purpose is to act as a bridge and a guide, to assist in bringing understanding and awareness, to any patterns or imprinting, so that you are in better alignment with the wisdom of your soul; the tools, once worked with and integrated into your life, will assist and guide you, in feeling the distinction between your everyday self and the subtle quiet voice of your knowing.

Contact Carolyn Gwiazdzinski on Facebook

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