Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Can Past Lives Affect You In The Present?

Can past lives affect you in the present? Yes, because the experiences and lessons learned in past lives can carry over into the current lifetime. For example, if you had a traumatic experience in a past life, it could manifest as a phobia or anxiety in this life. Alternatively, if someone had a talent or skill in a past life, it could manifest as a natural ability or inclination in their current life.

The concept of past lives affecting the present is a belief held in some spiritual and religious traditions. It is believed that past lives may influence an individual's personality traits, behavior patterns, and even physical health conditions in the present life.

Those of us who have experienced a past life through hypnotic regression or lucid dream are also firm believers (I prefer to use the label “knowers”).

With reincarnation, an individual's soul takes many different bodies over multiple lifetimes, and the accumulated experiences and karma from past lives can impact their present life. 

How Past Lives Can Affect You In This LifeHow Can Past Lives Affect You

Past lives are an integral part of the soul's journey and evolution. As I see it the soul is eternal and goes through a process of reincarnation where it takes on different physical bodies in different lifetimes. Each lifetime provides a unique set of experiences, challenges, and opportunities for the soul to learn, grow, and evolve.

How Can Past Lives Affect You?

Here are some ways in which past lives can have an impact on your present life:

  1. Patterns and Behaviors: Experiences from past lives may influence a person's patterns and behaviors in the present. For example, someone may have a fear of water in their current life due to a traumatic experience in a past life.

  2. Phobias and Fears: Unexplained phobias and fears may be linked to past life experiences. For example, a fear of heights may be connected to a past life experience of falling from a great height.

  3. Health Issues: Some believers in past lives suggest that health issues may be linked to past life experiences. For example, a chronic pain in a specific area of the body may be related to an injury or trauma from a past life.

  4. Soul Growth and Lessons: Past life experiences may contribute to a person's soul growth and learning in their current life. For example, a person may have experienced betrayal or loss in a past life, which may lead to a lesson in forgiveness and compassion in their current life.

  5. Relationships: Past life connections with people can manifest in current life relationships. A person may feel an instant connection or familiarity with someone they meet, which may be a result of a past life connection.

What Is That Feeling Of Knowing Someone From A Past Life?

The feeling of knowing someone from a past life is often described as a sense of familiarity or recognition that is not easily explained. Some people believe that this feeling is a result of having a past life connection with the person in question. This feeling can be accompanied by a sense of comfort, ease, and a deep understanding of the person, even if they have only just met.

I believe some people have relationships or connections that transcend time and space. The connection may be a result of a shared experience or relationship in a past life that has carried over into the present. Do you sometimes feel drawn to certain people or places, even if you cannot explain why?

I would suggest that a past life psychic reading can help you unlock the secrets of your past, guide you through today and help you understand your present better. Click Here To Get A Past Life Reading Now > >

How Can We Remember Past Lives?

Because memories and experiences from previous lives are stored in the subconscious mind, they can be accessed through techniques such as past life regression therapy or meditation.

Past life regression can help you explore and heal unresolved emotional issues from past lives that may be affecting this present life. Past life regression therapy involves hypnosis and guided visualization techniques to access past life memories and experiences. I have found that in exploring these past life experiences, you can gain insight and clarity into your current life and overcome emotional and psychological issues that may have originated in a past life.

Here are some of the techniques commonly used for past life regressions:

  • Deep Relaxation: The therapist guides the person into a state of deep relaxation using breathing exercises or relaxation techniques. This helps the person to let go of conscious thoughts and become more receptive to accessing subconscious memories.

  • Hypnosis: The therapist induces a hypnotic state, which is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. This state allows the person to access past life memories and experiences that may be stored in the subconscious mind.

  • Guided Imagery: The therapist guides the person through a series of visualizations to access past life memories. For example, the therapist may suggest that the person visualize themselves walking down a staircase or through a door to access memories from a past life.

  • Questions and Prompts: The therapist asks specific questions or provides prompts to guide the person in exploring past life memories. For example, the therapist may ask the person to describe their surroundings or the people they see in a past life memory.

  • Emotional Release: Past life regression therapy can also be used to release emotional blocks or traumas from past lives that may be affecting a person in the present. The therapist can guide the person to connect with these emotions and release them through visualization and guided imagery.

Meditation is another technique that can be used to access past life memories. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, a person can access deeper levels of consciousness and potentially uncover memories and experiences from past lives. During meditation, one can visualize themselves in a specific time or place and ask their subconscious mind to reveal any relevant memories or experiences.

Here are some meditation methods for accessing past life memories:

  • Setting Intentions: Before starting the meditation, set the intention to access past life memories. This intention will help to focus the mind and create a receptive state for accessing past life memories.

  • Deep Breathing: Start by taking deep, slow breaths to relax the body and quiet the mind. Deep breathing helps to reduce stress and create a relaxed state that is conducive to accessing subconscious memories.

  • Visualization: Visualize yourself in a specific time or place that you believe may be connected to a past life memory. You can use imagery that resonates with you, such as a forest, a beach, or a temple.

  • Invoking Memories: Once you have created the visualization, ask your subconscious mind to reveal any past life memories or experiences that may be connected to the imagery. Allow the memories to surface without judgment or analysis.

  • Releasing Emotions: If you encounter any challenging or difficult emotions during meditation, focus on releasing them through deep breathing and visualization. You can imagine the emotions as a cloud that dissipates into the air or as water flowing away from you.

Not everyone will be able to access past life memories through meditation, and some people may require more practice or hypnotic guidance. However, regular meditation practice can help to quiet the mind and create a receptive state that is conducive to accessing past life memories.

What Is A Psychic Sketch Of Past Life?

A psychic sketch of a past life is a description or visualization of a person's previous life or lives based on the intuitive abilities of a psychic or medium. The psychic, through their intuitive abilities, taps into the person's energy field to access information about their past incarnations and may provide information about the person's past life, such as their profession, relationships, significant events, and even the cause of their death. The psychic may also provide insights into how past life experiences may be impacting the person's current life, such as karmic patterns leading to unresolved emotional issues and/or toxic relationships.

Psychic Sketch Of Past Life

What Are Past Life Regression Hypnotic Scripts?

Hypnosis scripts for past life regression are a set of specific suggestions and prompts that a therapist uses to guide a person into a hypnotic state and help them access past life memories. These scripts are typically designed to induce a relaxed state, enhance visualization abilities, and encourage the subconscious mind to reveal past life memories.

Here are some examples of common suggestions and prompts that might be used in a hypnosis script for past life regression:

  • Induction: The therapist may start by guiding the person into a relaxed state using breathing exercises or relaxation techniques.
  • Visualization: The therapist may use imagery to help the person visualize a peaceful, safe place. This visualization creates a relaxed and receptive state that is conducive to accessing past life memories.
  • Suggestion: The therapist may suggest that the person will be able to access past life memories and experiences easily and safely. This suggestion helps to create a belief that past life memories can be accessed and that the experience will be positive and safe.
  • Regression: The therapist may guide the person through a series of steps to access past life memories. For example, they may suggest that the person visualize themselves walking down a staircase or through a door to access a past life memory.
  • Exploration: Once the person has accessed a past life memory, the therapist may prompt them to explore the details of the memory, including the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with it. The therapist may also ask specific questions to help the person deepen their exploration of the memory.
  • Integration: After exploring the past life memory, the therapist may guide the person through a process of integrating the insights and learnings from the experience into their current life.

Scripts should only be used by a trained and licensed therapist who specializes in past life regression. These texts should be tailored to the individual needs and experiences of the person and should be used in a safe and supportive environment.

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