Here are the 12 zodiac signs and corresponding elements, names, qualities, ruling planets, and birthdays in western astrology charts. They relate to twelve equal segments of the sky in an ecliptic path the Sun follows over the course of a year, and in a nutshell, this is how they can affect you.
According to astrology, celestial phenomena in the zodiac reflect or govern human activity, so that the twelve signs are held to represent twelve basic personality types. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, a different part of the sky becomes visible each month, thus a different one of these 12 constellations can be seen above the horizon.
It is the visible constellation at the time of your birth that represents your birth sign. There are also Sun signs and Moon signs, both of which depend on your date of birth. The position of the Sun is considered within one of the twelve zodiac signs depending on the month of birth. This zodiac sign is then called your sun sign or star sign of the month you were born.
The position of the Moon is also considered. The moon is associated with your emotional make-up and things such as, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories, and moods. It is also associated with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, and the past. In all western zodiac signs each element that corresponds will influence certain characteristics; but zodiac signs elements are categorized in several ways.
Fire Signs
The fire sign is associated with practical action, enthusiasm, and leadership, as well as an openness to change. These people are passionate lovers.
Water Signs
The water sign embodies emotion, being sensitive, understanding in relationships, and compassion. These people are intuitive.
Earth Signs
The earth sign symbolizes a practical nature, with a focus on material goals. These people are grounded.
Air Signs
And the air sign is the symbol of the intellect. These people are creative and are great at being deep thinkers.
Three qualities tend to be sorted into three groups of four. They are occasionally referred to as crosses because each quality forms a cross when drawn across the zodiac.
Cardinal Signs
If you are a Cardinal sign your job is to initiate the season. You are the leader which brings forth that season. Cardinal signs are pioneering and enterprising.
Fixed Signs
If you are a Fixed sign, you are the second month in that season, and it is your job to maintain that season. Fixed signs concentrate energy and solidify ideas.
Mutable Signs
If you are a Mutable sign, your sign is the third (and final) month within each season. The role for these signs tend to be preparation for the transition to the next season. The traits for these people are communication, flexibility, and destruction.
Capricorn is the Sea Goat with the element of Earth, the cardinal quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Saturn, and the birth dates are December 23 - January 20
The bigger picture for the Capricorn Horoscope Junkie
Aquarius is the Water Carrier with the element of Air, the fixed quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Saturn, and the birth dates are January 21 - February 19
The bigger picture for the Aquarius Horoscope Junkie
Pisces is the Fish with the element of Water, the mutable quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Neptune, and the birth dates are February 20 - March 20
The bigger picture for the Pisces Horoscope Junkie
Aries is the Ram with the element of Fire, the cardinal quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Mars, and the birth dates are March 21 - April 20
The bigger picture for the Aries Horoscope Junkie
Taurus is the Bull with the element of Earth, the fixed quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Venus, and the birth dates are April 21 - May 21
The bigger picture for the Taurus Horoscope Junkie
Gemini is the Twins with the element of Air, the mutable quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Mercury, and the birth dates are May 22 - June 21
The bigger picture for the Gemini Horoscope Junkie
Cancer is the Crab with the element of Water, the cardinal quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Moon, and the birth dates are June 22 - July 22
The bigger picture for the Cancer Horoscope Junkie
Leo is the Lion with the element of Fire, the fixed quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Sun, and the birth dates are July 23 - August 21
The bigger picture for the Leo Horoscope Junkie
Virgo is the Virgin with the element of Earth, the mutable quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Mercury, and the birth dates are August 22 - September 23
The bigger picture for the Virgo Horoscope Junkie
Libra is the Scales with the element of Air, the cardinal quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Venus, and the birth dates are September 24 - October 23
The bigger picture for the Libra Horoscope Junkie
Scorpio is the Scorpion with the element of Water, the fixed quality, a negative polarity, the planet is Pluto, and the birth dates are October 24 - November 22
The bigger picture for the Scorpio Horoscope Junkie
Sagittarius is the Archer with the element of Fire, the mutable quality, a positive polarity, the planet is Jupiter, and the birth dates are November 23 - December 22
The bigger picture for the Sagittarius Horoscope Junkie
What if you were born on the cusp?
If you were born at the time when the sun leaves one sign and enters another it is said that you were born on a cusp. When that is the case, you will benefit from reading your own star sign and the sign that ends or begins adjacent to your date of birth. As an example: if your birth date is June 21, your star sign is Gemini, but you also have some elements of the Cancer traits as well.
What are the cusps of the zodiac?
In a nutshell - here are the dates for all cusps of the western zodiac signs.
As a long-time psychic and clairvoyant, I have these observations to make about using horoscope predictions gleaned from the western zodiac signs and corresponding elements.
I first met 'Richi Who' (AKA Richard Philippe) in 1986 when I had moved to Magnetic Island in Queensland. Richi was leading a mystical, monkish, life at the time. He was living alone while caretaking the solitary house at Arthur Bay for its owner, the late, Sid Ward.
Richi became an integral part of my own spiritual initiation and was to become my psychic guide. His late-night mystic sessions on Arthur Bay filled my life with wonder while opening doors to other worlds.
Richi later became the first psychic reader I retained at my Ancient Wisdom Center and we stayed friends ever since. Sadly Richi Who passed away in 2013 while on holiday in Europe. Happily he has since reconnected and is now one of my highly evidential spirit guides.
Wiki - Astrological Signs
Richi Who is the verified author of this guest post.