Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate? How To Find Powerful Insights

When Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate?

  • Tarot cards are most accurate when used as a reflection tool, providing deep resonance when used for self-exploration. The imagery and symbolism can tap into subconscious thoughts, emotions, or patterns that you may not have fully recognized, offering new insights or validating intuition. Tarot readings also tend to be accurate when there’s a strong connection between the reader and the client. A skilled, empathetic reader can interpret the cards in a way that mirrors your life, allowing moments of revelation that feel "spot on." Furthermore, tarot is particularly effective when you approach the reading with an open mind, free from rigid expectations, which allows for more profound insights to emerge.

Many of us find tarot readings helpful when making intuitive decisions about life choices, relationships, or career development. Tarot often doesn’t predict the future in a deterministic sense but rather clarifies feelings, recognizes hidden influences, and presents a broader perspective, which you may feel is incredibly accurate and timely. Accuracy also emerges when patterns from the readings unfold over time. If you keep a journal for your readings you can look back and see how the messages, symbols, and guidance from your readings have played out, reinforcing the sense that tarot can provide valuable foresight.

Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate?  When Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate?

Evidence and Testimonials Supporting the Accuracy of Tarot Readings

Personal experiences and anecdotal evidence from those of us who have had positive experiences with tarot are common on forums, blogs, and social media. While anecdotal, these accounts often reflect the deep personal impact tarot can have, particularly when readings align closely with the our lives. Tarot is also tied to psychological and intuitive insights, using archetypal symbols and themes (similar to those studied by Carl Jung) that can trigger intuitive realizations. This creates a sense of accuracy because people are connecting those symbols with their life’s realities. Additionally, many professional tarot readers receive glowing testimonials from clients who confirm that the readings helped them make important life decisions, understand their emotions, or find direction during challenging times.

Helping You Make Informed Choices With Tarot

Tarot is most effective as a tool for empowerment and guidance. It can provide new perspectives and gentle insights, enabling you to make more informed and aligned decisions. It’s important to clarify that tarot is not about predicting a fixed future but about understanding potential outcomes based on your current life path. This makes it a powerful tool for self-awareness and decision-making, but not something to be used solely for fortune-telling. Trust in your reader’s intent and professionalism is also essential; the accuracy of the reading depends largely on the skill, empathy, and integrity of the tarot reader.

Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate? Have Your Say Here!

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How To Get Accurate Answers From The Tarot

How Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate? - by Matias Mikael

Getting accurate answers from the Tarot requires practice, patience, and an understanding of how the cards work. Here are some tips to help you get better answers from the Tarot:

Develop a strong connection with your Tarot deck: Spend time with your Tarot deck regularly, holding it, shuffling it, and meditating with it. This will help you develop a connection with the cards and will allow you to pick up on their energies more easily.

Set a clear intention: Before you begin your reading, set a clear intention for what you want to learn or what questions you want to ask. This will help you focus your energy and the energy of the cards.

Trust your intuition: Tarot cards work by tapping into your intuition, so it's important to trust your instincts and the messages you receive from the cards. Pay attention to your gut feelings and any intuitive insights that come to you during the reading.

Practice interpreting the cards: Take time to study the meanings of each card and practice interpreting them in different contexts. This will help you become more familiar with the cards and their meanings.

Use a spread that resonates with you: There are many different Tarot spreads you can use, so choose one that resonates with you and the question you are asking. A spread that feels meaningful to you will help you get more accurate answers from the cards.

Stay open to the message: Tarot cards often deliver messages that are not what we expect or want to hear. Stay open to the message and be willing to receive guidance that may challenge you or push you out of your comfort zone.

Seek guidance from a professional: If you're struggling to get accurate answers from the Tarot, consider seeking guidance from a professional Tarot reader. They can provide insight and guidance on how to improve your practice and get more accurate answers from the cards.

Knowing how to get more accurate answers from the Tarot will increase your knowledge about the cards. When you are a student most people will tell you to just practice doing as many readings as you can, and they would be right. Others will tell you to do a daily draw or to keep a Tarot journal, and they would also be right.

What I want to share with you today however is an addition to your Tarot practice which is deceptively simple, but will invariably bring more depth to your readings, and will also help you become more intuitive with the cards.

So what is this secret technique that I want to share with you?

It's so simple, it boils down to one number. Two.

In the spreads you normally use, instead of using one card per position, start using 2 (or more) cards instead.

This technique for getting more accurate answers from the Tarot can be used with any deck, but is especially well suited for pip-decks, as the ambiguity of the numerical pips will benefit a lot from having cards be read in pairs, instead of separately.

Still Asking - Are Tarot Cards Really Accurate?

To illustrate, let's say your doing a spread and one of the positions is called "Potential Obstacles". Let's say the card in that position is the 3 of Cups. As traditional meanings for this card include "celebration, friendship, togetherness", it's already getting hard for us to fit the meaning of the card into the position where it came up in the spread.

If only we had another card to read together with the 3 of Cups to give it some well-needed context.

Let's say the other card you end up drawing together with the 3 is the 9 of Swords.

9's having a numerological meaning of "attainment, completion, fulfillment", paired with the mental realm the Swords cards represent, we can reach an interpretation of "ideologies and beliefs that are set in stone".

Reading the two cards together as one in the position called "Potential Obstacles", we can arrive at an interpretation of a group - of friends or otherwise - that hold strongly to a set of beliefs. We see then that the obstacles for the querent might be that their beliefs and ideas might be contrary to the beliefs and ideas of a group of people they are in contact with, and that they have to tread carefully how they express themselves to that group.

Using 2 cards (or more) per position in your spreads will give more accurate answers from the Tarot - for yourself and others. You will find an extra dimension of depth that you will quite quickly get used to tapping into. It will also tremendously improve your capability for intuitively picking up on connections between cards.

Go ahead and try this technique in your next reading, I'm sure you will be positively surprised by the effortlessness of reaching new depths in your Tarot readings.

Guest post by Matias Mikael

I'm Matias, a Finnish guy, living in the hills of Romania. I'm an avid and passionate student of the Tarot and all things metaphysical. In my readings I incorporate a wide variety of different schools of thought (alchemy, Eastern philosophy, numerology etc.) to give well-researched and informative readings. For my readings on Etsy I generally spend a whole evening piecing the reading together and provide many different avenues of perception for you to consider. To get more accurate answers from the Tarot book a reading with me today on: www.etsy.com/shop/WisdomOfTarot

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