Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Fab 5 Archangel Names To Call On For Help

The Fab 5 archangel names are: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron. Each possess their own power and provide help in different aspects of our lives. 

The idea of angelic help is as old as man's notion of the metaphysical and the out-worldly. Of a perfectly beautiful, often androgynous human form adorned with a pair (or sometimes multiple pairs) of wings, they feature in most world's religions and spiritual paths. 

Archangels serve as intermediaries between the divine and human beings, carrying out various tasks and functions.

  • Guidance: Archangels can provide guidance and wisdom, often appearing in dreams or during meditation to deliver messages.

  • Protection:  Archangels can provide protection against negative energy, harmful circumstances, or evil entities.

  • Healing: Some archangels are associated with healing powers. For instance Archangel Raphael is often invoked for matters of health and healing.

  • Comfort and Reassurance: In difficult or uncertain times, believers may invoke archangels for comfort, reassurance, and the strength to cope.

  • Spiritual Growth: Archangels help us on our spiritual journeys, providing insight, clarity, and understanding of deep spiritual truths.

Which Archangel Names Do You Call On To Help You With That?

Their role is that of divine messengers and protectors of the human race and their faithfulness to all that is good immense. The big 5 presiding over these legions of heavenly beings, with the Archangel names of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron, are all very powerful entities. These "chief angels" so to speak, keep vigil over us and hear all our prayers. 

What is the difference between an angel and an archangel?

We all have angel helpers; they are spirit messengers who can somehow traverse the realms of here and there. Many people experience angel visitations from time to time when their heavenly help is most needed. But what is an archangel? The difference between an angel and an archangel in simple terms is this: Archangels are the Big Guns! You could say that they are higher ranking angels. The archangels are on a different level of consciousness and have appeared repeatedly through history as reported in most religious traditions. In so doing they have become known by name and by their specific powers of help.

What powers does the Archangel Michael have?

Archangel Michael is a warrior of a distinctly masculine energy. The fire element over which he presides makes him a being of action and strong willpower. His stubborn nature occasionally makes him appear hard of hearing to our prayers but his immense power, once directed our way, can help us unearth any truth, come to the root of the matter, and gives us the courage to take risks and overcome all obstacles. Michael's archangel help can purify your soul and guide you to become a stronger person.

What is the Archangel Gabriel known for?

Archangel Gabriel appears almost an opposite to Michael. Of a more feminine disposition, embodying the element of water, his domain is that of emotions and communication. In many ways, he is easier to reach, always having an ear for our hopes, fears and prayers. Gabriel's archangel help will move us to be more receptive of divine messages (which comes in handy if we are trying to develop our psychic abilities) but he also enables us to feel things more deeply and have more empathy for others.

What can Archangel Raphael help with?

Archangel Raphael dwells in the realm of air. His specialty is that of healing the body, the mind and the spirit. He can help us break free from unhealthy habits and restore our well-being but also aid us in bringing comfort and soundness of body and mind to others. Raphael's archangel help empowers everyone seeking his guidance to discover new ways of living a healthy life and achieving their full potential.

What powers does Archangel Uriel have?

Archangel Uriel reigns over the domain of knowledge and wisdom. He can help you tremendously with any learning process and push you in the right direction towards academic success. Being closely connected to the element of earth, Uriel can also bring you stability and material prosperity. Helping you stay grounded at all times, he will not allow your mind to wander. Uriel's archangel help will keep you on track.

What is Archangel Metatron known for?

Archangel Metatron is the Akashic Record keeper. He can help us look into the book of life and correct misalignment with our true Soul purpose. He is also the guardian of the bridge between earth and heaven. Metatron is the only archangel to have lived a human life and then connect directly with God from which he was made an archangel when passed over. Metatron's archangel help can be great with developing your psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Always willing to help, Archangels radiate pure love and work on protecting us from ill intention and malice. If our hearts are pure, our intentions good and our pledges honest, they will be much inclined to come to our rescue. You can have faith in these Fab 5 Archangel Names.

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