Ian Parkin is the author of this post.
The Psychic Junkie Website has everything for experiencing a deeper connection with the metaphysical realms. From exploring the many facets of real and accurate readings, to learning how to develop your own intuitive abilities. And you can engage with a targeted audience of kindred spirits through your own comments, guest posts, and advertorials.
As you delve into realms unknown, Embrace the mystique we've finely honed. With wisdom of the psychic kind, Let's embark on a journey, intertwined.
Trust in the power of intuition's grace, Guide you through the Psychic Junkie space. Open your heart, open your mind, Discover the secrets, in this place entwined.
The Psychic Junkie Website's our domain, A world of wonder, where we shall reign. With clarity and insight, we shall explore, The depths of the psyche, forevermore.
Join me now, and let's engage, In experiences that burst like a sage. Together we'll learn, unmask the veil, The universe's mysteries we shall unveil.
Have faith in yourself, in the cosmic dance, Align with the universe's grand expanse. For when you trust the mystical plan, You'll find your purpose, the cosmic span.
So, take my hand, let's begin the quest, In this website, where we'll be our best. Unlock the magic, with spirits' spin, And embark on a journey from within.
Have you ever been at a crossroads in your life?
Are we roaming along a predestined path or do we create a willed future? Personally, I have found both in play. My psychic advice and coaching can provide the calming factor that allows you to proceed in life, knowing you've made the correct move. That calm reassurance can make the difference between success and failure on any venture in your life, whether it's love, career, entrepreneurship, or choosing a new place to live.
According to legend the Ancient Greek Oracle of Apollo at Delphi (a psychic priestess) was famous for answering questions from people wishing to be guided in their future actions. It was a very long and drawn out process of ritual cleansings, animal sacrifices, and (volcanic gas) drug induced states of ecstasy. Thankfully, these days we can get our metaphysical insights, simply and easily, from accurate psychics, spiritual mediums, intuitive coaches, angel whisperers, talented tarot readers, and a myriad of mystics telling fortunes in one way or another. And my aim is to introduce you to absolutely everything a Psychic Junkie could ask for!
As well as founding and running this website I am a predictive psychic you can go to when real insight is important. Click here to make a direct appointment with me!
See who is available right now. You can use this wizard at any time to match you with a perfect psychic! Click here to find the best available psychic right now!
The Psychic Development Training Hub. A wealth of tarot, mediumship, and psychic development advice. Click here to develop your psychic abilities!
What Are You Looking For? Use the psychic search engine to find your way around my website. Click here for site map & search!
What Is A Psychic Junkie?
Here is my definition:
Psychic - Sensitivity beyond natural ranges of perception.
Junkie - One who has an insatiable interest or passion.
So you could say we are ABSOLUTELY:
Psychics - The Tarot - Telepathy - Crystal Scrying - Astrology - Horoscopes - Numerology - Intuition - Oracles - Fortune Telling - Clairvoyants - Angels - Dreams - Mediums - Runes - I-Ching - Palmistry - Cartomancy - Akashic Realms - Ghosts - Channeling - ESP - Pendulums- Past Lives - Remote Viewing - Divination - Dowsing - Readings - . . . the list goes on . . . . .
How Can A Psychic Help Guide Your Future?
What Is a Clairvoyant Confidant?
If you would like to ask questions, add answers, or comment on this page please use my contact form. Start the conversation with the heading About The Psychic Junkie Website
Or if you're inspired to write an article for this site please submit a guest post here.
PS. I'm always keen to get your feedback and suggestions because that helps me tweak and continue to improve the site. I've even set up a Psychic Survey to help with that.
Thank you so very much! - Much love, Colleen M.
I just had to let you know that I enjoy your website very much. It's hard to find such good information without paying an arm AND a leg, especially today. I really appreciate all you do and I just felt the need to let you know. It's great to know that there are people that really care.
5 Star Esoteric Site - JB Website Reviewer
This is one of the world's leading informational psychic websites.
Avid Fan - by: KS Ballwin
Hi Ian! I am an a avid fan of you and your website! I read every article you send through email.
This is great! - by: Ashley
I came across The Psychic Junkie Website yesterday - and I am completely WOW'D by your psychic help and advice! You have everything and anything I could think of on here. This is a wonderful website, and I am really enjoying it. I am trying to learn how to develop my abilities, and educate myself as much as possible, and this has now become my new favorite "text book"- I can't wait to read more. - Ashley
I am so glad I stumbled upon your website! - by: Krista
I joined the inner circle and I get updates daily. I really enjoy reading and learning from you and your guests. I’ve learned some very valuable information that has helped me hone in on my psychic abilities. Keep it up and thank you so very much!
Mar 23, 25 04:10 PM
Mar 22, 25 11:00 PM
Mar 21, 25 09:52 PM