Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

A Psychic Journal Can Help You Tap Into The Guidance Within

Keeping a psychic journal means you will have personal record of occurrences and observations from your dreams, psychic readings, self-divinations, and other spiritual experiences. It will prove to be an invaluable asset in your search for higher truth. And upon review many metaphysical messages and secrets will become self-evident.

Divination has never been lauded as an exact science. Whether you're a sceptic or a firm believer, doubt will creep upon you on a regular basis, both in your own abilities and in those of others. Varied results make it difficult to prove, measure and determine if you're any good at it or not. Add to that the fact that few (if any) of us are born with perfect clairvoyance and you can be sure that your learning process is bound to be one of endless trial and error. Still, there are ways to make things at least a little bit easier.

A Psychic Journal Can Help You Tap Into The Guidance Within

Regardless of your preferred method of divination and / or getting in touch with the higher planes, it is good to always keep track of the results. 

The simplest form, and one practiced by many both within and outside of the community interested in the occult, is the keeping of a psychic diary of dreams. It is used for psychoanalysis as well as for some more arcane ways of self-knowledge. In fact, it is possibly the best way to start.

Ideas For Your Psychic Journal

A Psychic Dream Diary

Each morning when you wake from sleep, quickly jot down as much as you can possibly remember of each dream you can recall from the night before. After a while, you will start perceiving recurring motifs, people and situations that pop up and have a meaning that only you can decipher. In addition to that, it might be good to carve out a small portion of your time every evening and write down what happened during the day and try to make connections. Soon, you will see that certain dreams may predict certain occurrences in the waking hours that follow. More on keeping a psychic dream diary in a moment . . .

A Psychic Journal of Divinations

The next step is to apply this method to your preferred means of divination - be it cards, runes, tea leaves or a crystal ball. I will take tarot as an example. It is best to keep track of all the readings you do, no matter how trivial they may seem - regardless of whether you're reading for yourself, a friend, or a client - or if the question is about your next exam or about your past life. Again, after a while, by observing patterns, recurring symbols will emerge and you will start to develop your own unique meanings for the cards, slowly forgetting the generic ones you would have access to if you read through books on tarot meanings.

This way, you will grow to understand the language in which your guardian angels are speaking to you. Their choice is hardly ever that of plain English, instead being a mixture of signs partially understandable to you and of signals that you need to try to learn. Therefore, writing it all down and committing to daily exercise of your spiritual vocabulary and grammar is of crucial importance if you intend to make the very best of your tarot or psychic advice. As it is often said - practice makes perfect - and this goes for matters both physical and metaphysical.

A Psychic Reading Journal

If you choose to journalize your psychic readings it is a good idea to record the reading while it is happening. You will be far more relaxed and in tune with your psychic advisor. You can later replay and take note of things that came up. You avoid losing focus during the session by trying to scribble out notes as you go. 

Especially journalize any content that did not make sense at the time, or information you understood but disagreed with. It can take days, weeks and even years for some insights to become evident. You can be amazed by the advice that will later come true.

If you are not recording your reading, just jot down key points. These key points will help you recall the bigger picture for your journal afterwards.

Before a reading you can write out your most important questions in the journal. Then check the answers that came up. 

A Psychic Development Journal

Keeping a record of all metaphysical occurrences and observations will help develop your own psychic ability. And if you are undertaking a course of study, in the spiritual realms you love, journalizing your development will prove to be most worthwhile.

Your own, well recorded, journey may even become the treasured source material for your own bestselling book in time to come.

Interpreting Your Dreams Using A Psychic Journal

There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to interpret the dreamer and not just the dream.

Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial finger pointing to the moon. Don't focus on the finger or you will miss out on all the celestial magic. Dreams are the finger, and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting a dream is an exercise in self-discovery and self-growth. They are almost always referring back to you, and every character, image, and emotion is usually referring to various parts of your psyche.

The primary purpose of a dream is to attempt to balance the psyche. Keeping this in mind will help you understand the meaning of your dreams and prevent you from getting way off track in your interpretation.

Benefits Of A Dream Journal

Trying to understand one dream in isolation is like trying to understand a person by spending one day with them. By recording all your dreams in a dream journal, you will, over time, find it easier to understand an individual dream you have in the future.

Dreams are like plays or movies that we create every night, and they have a similar structure. It can be helpful to look for this structure when trying to understand your dreams:

  • Location: Where does the dream take place? How do you feel about that place? What emotions arise within you as you think about it? Does it have any relationship with a real place you know?

  • Characters: Who are the characters? How are you presented? Who is the antagonist? How do you feel about each of those people (including the presentation of yourself), and how do they relate to parts of your own personality or to people you know?

  • Plot: How does the plot unfold? There is usually a beginning (where the story is established and begins to build), a middle (where a crisis peaks), and an end (where the crisis gets resolved though sometimes dreams don't provide the solution and end in the middle of the story because it is up to you to provide the resolution).

Sometimes dreams can be very literal, and they are easy to understand. There is nothing wrong with asking whether the face value of the dream may have meaning for you.

Most often, however, dreams are shrouded in symbolism that points beyond the literal image. Your guardian angels and spirit guides may be trying to communicate very specific messages that applies to your waking life. Or your dreams may be merely trying to balance your emotional life, or they may just be hinting at some thoughts or emotions in progress without any final resolution yet in mind.

Dreams are often messages from our subconscious mind that are resisted by our conscious mind. For this reason, the subconscious often cloaks the message in symbols, so the dream isn't immediately rejected or simply avoided by the conscious mind.

Unraveling these symbols can be very difficult, but also a lot of fun. It's the ultimate mystery and the most elaborate puzzle, but the answer is always within you.

Sometimes the answers are as simple as consulting a dream dictionary for the meaning of common symbols and archetypes. However, each person is different and has their journal can become an individual dream dictionary. To make things even more interesting, your personal dream dictionary can change over time.

Interpreting your dreams with your psychic journal can provide you with a life-long quest that goes way beyond the puzzle solving of the Da Vinci Code but can also be much more rewarding.

Handmade vintage leather psychic journal with deckle edge paper.

You could use a journal like this to track your psychic experiences.

Handmade vintage leather psychic journal with deckle edge paper.

Third eye design with lock clasp.

Product from Amazon, publisher may get a commission > >

How To Keep Dream Journal

Interpreting dreams through journaling can be a very enriching, eye-opening process. 

  1. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed. As soon as you wake up from a dream, jot down any details you can remember - characters, settings, colors, feelings, symbols, etc. Don't worry about full sentences or perfect grammar when taking notes.

  2. Date each entry and note what was happening in your life when you had the dream - this will help with analysis later. Stress at work, a fight with your partner, watching a meaningful movie...these life details often show up symbolically in dreams.

  3. Re-read your psychic journal weekly or monthly. Look for recurring themes, characters, settings or symbols. Do some elements represent things, people or concerns in your waking life? Track how they change over time.

  4. Use a dream dictionary to better understand symbols but don't adhere too strictly to defined meanings. Ultimately you know best what different things represent in your own psyche.

  5. Notice emotional tones and physical sensations in dreams. If a dream leaves you with strong feelings, focus analysis there. Pay attention to bodily reactions too.

  6. Summarize key messages you take from dreams in your journal. Write down questions to explore about yourself. Dreams can reveal hidden feelings, creative inspiration and solutions to waking life problems.

  7. Be patient in learning dream interpretation. It takes practice to recognize connections between your dreaming and waking mind. But with time and consistent journaling, you can better understand your subconscious through dreams.

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