Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Virgo Horoscope Junkie (8/23 - 9/23) See Your Sign's Forecast Here

Everything For The Virgo Horoscope Junkie

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a Virgo?

  • People born under the Virgo star sign are endowed with remarkable strengths and a few notable weaknesses. Their strengths include an exceptional attention to detail, a strong sense of duty, and an analytical mind that excels at problem-solving. They are reliable, practical, and often the backbone of any team, bringing order and precision to every task. However, their pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to over-critical tendencies, both towards themselves and others. They may struggle with being overly meticulous, which can result in stress or a reluctance to delegate. Despite these challenges, Virgos' dedication, humility, and unwavering commitment to improvement make them invaluable and inspiring individuals.

What celebrities are Virgo?

  • As a Virgo Horoscope Junkie you are in the great company of these eminent personalities: Prince Harry, Beyoncé, Zendaya, Idris Elba, Melissa McCarthy, Pink, Keke Palmer, Nick Jonas, Taraji P. Henson, Michelle Williams, Amy Poehler, Ava DuVernay, Sydney Sweeney, Bebe Rexha, Jennifer Coolidge, Salma Hayek, Shania Twain, Keanu Reeves, Tommy Lee Jones, Cameron Diaz, Lyndon B. Johnson, Henry Ford II, Sophia Loren, Gene Kelly, Anne Bancroft, Leo Tolstoi, Leonard Bernstein, Arnold Palmer, Alan Jay Lerner, Cardinal Richelieu, Greta Garbo, Stephen King, Tim Burton, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Sean Connery, Richard Attenborough, Guy Ritchie, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Murray, Ingrid Bergman, Gloria Estefan, Rick Springfield, Amy Winehouse, Raquel Welch, Peter Sellers, River Phoenix, D.H. Lawrence, Blake Lively, Mickey Mouse, Chris Pine, John Ritter, Adam Sandler, Richard Gere, Shelley Long, Dr. Phil McGraw, Mother Teresa.
Everything For The Virgo Horoscope Junkie

Virgo Horoscope Junkie Dates, Traits and Personalities

  • Birth DatesAugust 23 to September 23
  • Mythology: The Virgin
  • Gemology: SriLankan Jacinth and Pink Jasper
  • Metallurgy: Mercury
  • Colorology: Violet
  • Ruled By: Mercury
  • Physiology: Large brain with resulting intellect coupled with under developed chin resulting in lack of will power. Thin face, sallow complexion, brown or mousy hair, hazel eyes and small, inward turned, feet. Virgo people can be quick and active.
  • Characteristics: Learn easily and communicate fluently but can become compulsive over certain issues and fads. Health issues can range from such an interest that the Virgo becomes an excellent nurse to the opposite extreme where the Virgo becomes a hypochondriac
  • Planets in the rising sign: Mercury will swing the Virgo towards the positive side of his or her traits. Saturn can amplify the hypochondria into chronic illness.

Read Your Free Professional Forecasts - Updated!

Virgo | Today | Tomorrow | Month | Year | Your Star Path

The Virgo horoscope sign is the Virgin: August 23 to September 23

The sign of the Virgin represents a very independent person. They are fully able to put their intelligence to use and get things done for themselves. Virgo horoscope junkies are reputed to be adept at languages, to possess a love of literature, a deep interest in history and statistics, and a good memory for details. They may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things which may limit their ability to move forward.

The Virgo zodiac sign is seasonally associated with the end of summer and the onset of autumn when nature - having borne its fruit - recedes. Virgo is considered a negative polarity or passive or introvert sign. This gives the characteristics of being reflective and receptive to the ideas of others. This passivity is accompanied by a flair for discrimination and eloquence with words, which gives Virgins a reputation for civility and good manners. On the negative, they are highly sensitive to perceived criticism, and can appear to worry unduly about the need to make things as perfect as they can be.


  • Logical – Analytical – Helpful – Reliable – Precise – Reserved 


  • Critical – Choosy – Cold – Inflexible – Fault finding


  • Element: Earth
  • Quality: Mutable
  • Polarity: Negative
  • Planet: Mercury

Positive Traits

  • Modest and shy
  • Meticulous and reliable
  • Practical and diligent
  • Intelligent and analytical

Negative Traits

  • Fussy and a worrier
  • Overcritical and harsh
  • Perfectionist and conservative

Who Do Virgos Get Along With?

  • Superior Lovers: Taurus - Cancer - Capricorn
  • Inferior Lovers: Gemini - Leo - Aries - Pisces
  • Superior Friendships: Taurus - Scorpio - Aries - Capricorn
  • Inferior Friendships: Libra - Cancer - Virgo - Pisces
Virgo Women

Anna Kovach is a sought-after relationships astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire. She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.” Using astrology and relationship psychology she helps couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship - just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.

The Little-Known Reasons Why Virgo Women Rarely Get The Relationship They Long For (And Insider Secrets On How To Flip The Script)

In this article, by Anna Kovach, you will learn the three most dangerous ways in which Virgo women repel their (potential) partners, the two invaluable relationship-clarity questions for female Virgos, and the golden rule to adopt and completely bewilder your love interest! Click here to read complete post.

Have Your Say About The Virgo Horoscope

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Virgo Horoscope Junkie Comments

When The Sun Shines On A Virgo Horoscope Junkie - by AstroKid (Sedona USA)

The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, not surgeons but drug-doctors; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it. This comes from a combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. With Virgo in full Sun it shows you to be a successful middleman/middlewoman between producers and consumers, subtle and extremely quick to see what will work to your advantage. You are great in business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom you expect to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; you merely look out for number one. 

Virgo Children - by AstroKid (Sedona - USA)

Virgo, the Sixth sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of reason, expression and dexterity. It is said, and with considerable truth, that love is blind, for were one to see faults in the beloved one the master passion never would find expression. Therefore the children of Virgo who are governed so much by intellect are not sympathetic, but inclined to be cynical, critical and skeptical of anything that is not scientifically demonstrable to the reason and senses. They are very quick mentally, though only too often included to "strain at a gnat," and though they seldom "swallow the camel," they get into a rut where they become narrow-minded and bigoted. They are rather lazy themselves and found of taking things easy, but they like to drive others, and can be very masterful with subordinates. On that account they often cause enmities of a lasting nature, but whenever they become friendly with any one they also make very good friends and treat their friends well. The Mercurial disposition infused by this sign brings many changes of environment and therefore new associations and friendships are constantly being formed. Virgo children are very acquisitive and always looking out for ways and means of bettering themselves financially, socially and economically. It may also be said that they deserve promotion for they are industrious to a degree where they see that a reward may be gained thereby. They are also very ingenious and versatile, fond of the study of science, particularly chemistry, diet and hygiene, and many among them become extreme food faddists. As Virgo is the Sixth sign these people take on Sixth house characteristics and are therefore very sensitive to suggestions of ill health, so that if they ever become enmeshed in the tentacles of diseases they frequently lack the necessary will power to extricate themselves with the result that they then usually become chronic invalids or perhaps rather they think themselves so, for it may be said that these people seem to resent any effort to cheer them up and get them out of the clutches of their particular illness, real or fancied. They seem in fact to enjoy bad health, and they are always looking for sympathy, though as we noted in the beginning of this reading, they are very slow to grant the same to others. If they can keep out of the clutches of disease, Virgo children often become excellent nurses and have a splendid influence upon the sick.

Virgo Horoscope Junkie Is Me - by Namra (in Pakistan) 

For Virgoans its now a cliché that they are fond of cleanliness and can't bear even a bit of mess but that's not true for all  Virgos. Some are totally unlike that. Virgo horoscope junkies can be extremely chill about what people around are up to. They can stand messy people and wont say a word against them but secretly they might try to keep their surrounding nice and tidy careful not to cause trouble to anyone. They would rarely get angry in front of you. With the near ones they are often torturing creatures but they are extremely well behaved with the people who are not close to them.  They don't show the world their real and deep thoughts. They are in comfort zone to keep it private. Virgo horoscope junkies have deep thinking which they don't share with anyone. Not that they don't find anyone but because they feel safe keeping it to themselves. They are always critical of themselves as well as others though they are not judgemental. They tend to keep their opinions to themselves. Mostly the introvert and kind ones. They are introvert but always up for fun with the closed ones. They are truly adventurous and risk takers. They have different phases in their lives through which they grow up and finally adopt one personality. They are perfect friends to confide in with. They are faithful loving and down to earth. They are the true helpers. They are often arrogant and cruel too. They never give up too easily.


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